
  • 网络meizhou island
  1. 基于Butler的S型旅游地生命周期演化模型,通过旅游者增长率法,探讨湄洲岛旅游客源市场的组织方式差异对旅游地演进规律的影响。

    Based on Butler 's mode of life cycle of tourist destination , the paper discusses the influence according to different market pattern of Meizhou Island through the extent of tourists ' rise .

  2. 基于ASEB栅格分析法的旅游产品开发研究&以福建省湄洲岛为例

    Research on Tourist Products Based on ASEB Method & A Case Study in Meizhou Island , Fujian Province

  3. 湄洲岛鼠类密度及种群构成调查

    Investigation on rat density and its population comprising in Meizhou Island

  4. 湄洲岛贯岛路中段绿化设计

    Landscaping Design of the Middle of the Road across Meizhou Island

  5. 告诉您吧,那就是著名的湄洲岛。

    Let me tell you it is the famous Meizhou island .

  6. 这尊雕像是在湄洲岛的最高点上。

    This statue is the highest point of Meizhou island .

  7. 福建湄洲岛风沙的搬运与沙滩资源

    Eolian sand transportation and beach resource of the Meizhou Island of Fujian

  8. 湄洲岛旅游发展的对策

    A Study on the Tourism Development in Meizhou Island

  9. 湄洲岛国家旅游度假区生命周期规律分异探讨

    Study on the Differences of the Life Cycle of Meizhou National Holiday Resort

  10. 真是湄洲岛的一大特色。

    Are the most striking feature of Meizhou island .

  11. 湄洲岛绿地系统现状及其景观生态建设的研究

    Study on Current Situation and Landscape Ecological Construction of Green Space System in Meizhou Island

  12. 湄洲岛海洋渔业的展望

    Perspectives for Marine Fishery of Meizhou Island

  13. 湄洲岛国家旅游度假区客流时空分布研究

    On National Holiday Resort Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Passenger Flow & A Case Study of Meizhou Island

  14. 以岸滩固定剖面观测、沉积物搬运趋势模型、沙粒捕沙器现场观测为基础,分析造成湄洲岛台客运码头淤积的主要原因。

    Based on the grain size characteristics , sediment transport model , and sediment trap measurement , the accumulation of the sediment on the sea area around Meizhou Pier is studied .

  15. 依据新发现史料研究,认为郑和曾到过福建长乐的文石和莆田的湄洲岛;

    According to the studies on the newly found historical data , this paper argues that Zheng He had once been to Wen Shi in Changle and Meizhou Island in Putian , both in Fujian Province ;

  16. 福建莆田的湄洲岛是妈祖的故乡,也是妈祖文化的发祥地,在当地民间,妈祖信仰是最普遍也是最虔诚的一种民间信仰。

    Meizhou Island , in Putian of Fujian Province , is the hometown of Mazu and the origin of Mazu culture . Mazu-worship has been one of the most widespread and devout folk beliefs in the local area .

  17. 选取普陀山和湄洲岛为分析对象,两地同样是海滨岛屿,都以女神为其文化核心标识,并且都拥有悠久的历史和丰富的文化古迹、民俗风情等资源。

    Mountain Putuo and Meizhou Island are selected for research for that both of them are coastal islands which are centered with goddess culture . Besides , they both obtain long history , rich cultural relics as well as abundant folk customs and other resources .