
  1. 在结束他的摄政,硅Suriyawonse提高到Somdet湄南河,最高的可以达到的贵族头衔。

    At the end of his regency , Si Suriyawonse was raised to Somdet Chao Phraya , the highest title the nobility could attain .

  2. 泰国北部河流,湄南河上游最大支流。

    Thailand 's northern rivers , the largest ACMECS upstream tributaries .

  3. 我渴望湄南河的安静的步态。

    I longed for the tranquil pace of the Chao phraya .

  4. 几百年来,湄南河都是通向泰国中部的主要门户。

    For hundreds of years the Chao Phraya served as the main entrance to central Thailand .

  5. 泰国首都和最大的城市,位于暹罗湾附近的昭披耶河(湄南河)西南部。

    The capital and largest city of Thailand , in the southwest on the Chao Phraya River near the Gulf of Siam .

  6. 泰国国立法政大学是泰国最为古老的大学之一,她位于湄南河畔的曼谷历史文化中心。

    Thammasat University , the second oldest university in Thailand , is located on the banks of the Chao Phraya River at Tha Prachan in the historical center of Bangkok .

  7. 源于清迈府北部泰、缅边界的登劳山脉,由西北向东南流,在那空沙旺与难河汇流成湄南河干流。

    House stems from Chiang Mai in northern Thailand , Burma border Delao Mountains eastward from the Northwest Nanliu , in the air and sand-wang difficult River confluence into ACMECS main stream .

  8. 泰国首都曼谷,位于湄南河地区,是泰国政治、经济、文化和教育的中心。

    Bangkok , the capital of the Thailand , is located at the region of the Chao Phraya Delta . It is the political , economic , cultural and educational center of Thailand .

  9. 我相信,随着两国交往更加紧密,中泰睦邻友好将像长江和湄南河一样川流不息、奔腾向前,中泰全面互利合作必将奏响更加美好动人的新华章!

    I am confident that with even closer exchanges , China-Thailand good-neighborliness and friendship will continue to move ahead like the Yangtze River and the Chao Phraya River . Our all-round and mutually beneficial cooperation will embrace an even brighter future .