
shǎn diǎn
  • flash point;point of flammability
闪点 [shǎn diǎn]
  • [flash point] 在特定条件下外加小火焰引致挥发性可燃物质(如石油产品)上方之蒸气在空气中发生一闪即逝的燃烧的最低温度

闪点[shǎn diǎn]
  1. 采用多元逐步回归建立软测量模型,充分利用现场DCS资源,实现催化裂化装置柴油闪点的在线软测量。

    Online soft measurement of flash point of gas oil in the FCC unit is realized by the full utilization of DCS resource on the site .

  2. FPA-12型闪点分析器在炼油装置的应用

    Application of model FPA-1 2 Flash point analyzer to Refining Installation

  3. 该装置设计应用结果:用PID控制器后与原来进行的手动操作相比,柴油的闪点达到了国家标准。

    The result shows that comparing to hand operation , the vaporization point of diesel fuel will be up to our civil standards .

  4. IMC-PID在开口闪点仪线性升温控制系统中的应用

    Application of IMC-PID in the Open Cup Flash-point Instrument Linear Temperature Control System

  5. 该系统可实现油温检测、闪点检测、加热器控制、键盘输入及LCD显示、RS-232及RS-485串行通讯等功能。

    This system has functions of petroleum temperature measuring , PPCFP testing , heater control , keyboard input and LCD display , RS-232 and RS-485 serial communication and so on .

  6. 柴油经材料作用后,粘度减小1.18%,表面张力减小0.66%,VOC排放增加15%,闪点减小为1.8%~2.6%。

    The viscosity and surface tension and flash point of the diesel oil treated by the composite materials was reduced by 1.18 % , and 0.66 % , and 1.8 % ~ 2.6 % , respectively .

  7. 在上述烃类样本中加入衍生物种类,分别建立了烃类及其衍生物闪点和沸点的B-MLR和SVM的两种构效关系模型。

    A series of derivatives were joined in the above sample of hydrocarbons . Then the B-MLR and SVM models were built for predicting the flash point and boiling point of hydrocarbon and its derivatives .

  8. 主要探讨了两个方面的问题:采用神经网络建立各个侧线粘度和闪点的软测量仪表以及采用NLJ方法实现常减压塔的操作优化。

    Mainly it discusses two problems : software instruments of viscosity and flash point using neural networks and operation optimization on the atmospheric and vacuum towers using NLJ method .

  9. 试验表明:中小型柴油机(1100A、495Q)在工作过程中活塞环&缸套摩擦副摩擦面的最高温度(不是微凸体的闪点温度)接近220℃。

    Experiments show that the maximum temperature at f r ic - tional surfaces of piston ring-cylinder liner during practical work ( no flash temperature of asperity ) is close to 220 ℃ .

  10. 结果表明,闪点预测值与实验值符合良好,绝对平均绝对误差6.0K,绝对平均相对误差2.15%,优于传统基团贡献法所得结果。

    The results show that the predicted flash points are in good agreement with the experimental data , with the absolute mean absolute error being 6.0 K , and the absolute mean relative error being 2.15 % , which are superior to those of traditional group contribution methods .

  11. 通常,高闪点绝缘油对应较高的运动粘度。

    Usually , high flash point oil has high kinematic viscosity .

  12. 埃勃尔-彭斯基石油闪点测定原油及石油产品闪点试验方法

    Testing methods for flash point of crude oil and petroleum products

  13. 随着氢气压力的增大,溴指数和闪点也逐渐变小。

    As the pressure increases , bromine index and flash point decrease .

  14. 闪点是石油产品的一项重要物性,也是控制产品质量的一项重要指标。

    Flash point is an important quota for quality of petroleum product .

  15. 石油闪点测定仪分段式线性控温系统

    Segmented linear temperature control system of oil flash-point measuring instrument

  16. 三元液体闪点研究

    The research of the flash of the ternary mixed liquid

  17. 矿物绝缘油生物降解性能差、闪点低,不能满足环保和高防火性能的要求。

    Mineral oil is poorly biodegradable and has a low flash point .

  18. 最小二乘法在石油闪点检测中的应用

    An implementation of least square method in oil flash-point measurement

  19. 石油产品闭口闪点检测仪设计与研究

    Design and Research of Petroleum Products Closed-cup Flash Point Tester

  20. 塑料闪点和自燃点测试方法的研究

    Study on Testing Method for Flash Point and Spontaneous Ignition Point of Plastics

  21. GB/T3776.5-1983农药乳化剂闪点测定方法(闭口杯法)泰格密闭闪点试验器

    Method of flash point determination ( closed cup test ) for pesticide emulsifiers

  22. 基于人工神经网络的有机物闪点预测

    Prediction of the flash points of organic compounds based on artificial neural networks

  23. 频闪观测仪式检测仪表智能开口闪点仪闪火检测方法的研究

    Study on The Determination Method of Flame with Intelligent Open Flash Point Apparatus

  24. 但是,矿物油燃点、闪点低,不能满足高防火性能的要求;

    But its flash point is too low to satisfy the requirement of fireproofing .

  25. 热解吸-气相色谱-质谱法测定烟草中的低沸点组分马可森开杯闪点测定器

    Determination of the low boiling point components in tobacco by thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

  26. GB/T6753.5-1986涂料及有关产品闪点测定法闭口杯平衡法开口闪点与着火点试验

    Coatings and related products Determination of flash-point Closed cup equilibrium method open-cup flash-and-fire test

  27. 植物绝缘油是一种闪点高、环保型的液体电介质,是矿物绝缘油优良的替代品。

    The dosage of reagent in experiments is studied for vegetable insulating oil refinement .

  28. 自动闭口石油产品闪点测定仪器的研制白酒的闪点及其计算

    Development of automatic instrument for flash point about closed cup method of petroleum products

  29. 石油产品闪点测定方法的探讨

    The discussion on the standard test methods for determination of petroleum products flashing point

  30. 石油产品闪点的测量

    The Measurement of Flash Point for Petroleum Products