
  • Four classic;Four Great Classical Novels;Four Masterpieces of China
  1. 西游记又名美猴王,是中国四大名著之一,作者是16世纪的作家吴承恩。

    Journey to the West , also known as The Monkey King , written by Wu Cheng'en in the 16th century , is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature .

  2. 在中国,根据四大名著改编而成的电视剧就像自来水一般,不管创意宝库枯竭得多快,供给总是源源不断。

    TV adaptations of the " Four Great Classical Novels " are like tap water in China-no matter how low the creative reservoir appears to sink , the supply never seems to run dry .

  3. 由四大名著改编的电视作品经常被搬上荧屏。

    Works based on the Four Masters'Works appear constantly on television .

  4. 你读完四大名著有什么感受?

    Lily : How 's your feeling after reading the four classics ?

  5. 中国古典四大名著题材的戏剧

    The Drama Based on Four Greatest Chinese Famous Ancient Books

  6. 论中国古典四大名著中的女性形象

    Image of women in four Chinese famous classic books

  7. 四大名著与现代企业管理思想

    Four great classical masterpieces and modern business management thought

  8. 以四大名著为例分析道教在古典小说中的渗透

    The Taoism Impact on the Classical Novels & Take Four Great Novels as Example

  9. 中国古典四大名著中诗词作用的异同

    Functional Similarities and Differences of Poems and Verses Among the Four Chinese Famous Works

  10. 四大名著作为校本课程资源的开发和利用

    The Development and Exploitation of the Four Famous Literature Works as a School-based Curriculum Resource

  11. 四大名著的风格探索

    The Style Exploration of Four Major Masterpieces

  12. 论四大名著影视改编与传播的当代性论十七年时期的现当代名著改编

    On Adaptation of Modern and Contemporary Famous Literary Works in " 17 Years " Period

  13. 哦,原来中国古代四大名著之一《西游记》是这么来的。

    Oh , that 's how Journey to the West , one of the four greatest ancient Chinese novels was written .

  14. 而掌握了多少了汉字才能够阅读甚至读懂四大名著,这是没有研究统计数据的。

    But master how many Chinese characters to be able to read or even read the four masterpieces , which is not studied statistics .

  15. 四大名著课程资源的丰富性与适应性决定了校本课程目标范围及水平的有效实现。

    The richness and suitability of the four famous literature works as curriculum resources will ensure the achievement of the goals of the school-based curricula .

  16. 《西游记》是中国古典四大名著之一,在中国文学史上占有非常重要的地位,同时在国外也有着广泛的影响。

    Journey to the West , which is one of the Four Great Chinese Classical novels , occupies a very important position in Chinese Literature .

  17. 和第一部电影一样,这部电影也是改编自中国古典四大名著之一的《西游记》。

    Like the first movie , it is also adapted from " Journey to the West , " one of China 's four literary classics .

  18. 《西游记》是中国四大名著之一,是中国古代长篇小说的高峰代表。

    Xi You Ji , one of the four great classics in Chinese literature is regarded as the peak representative of the ancient Chinese novels .

  19. 《红楼梦》是中国四大名著之一,以其丰富的文化内涵而被誉为中国文化的百科全书。

    Hong Lou Meng , one of the four classics in Chinese Literature , is regarded as the encyclopedia of culture because of abundant cultural elements .

  20. 在四大名著成书前后,与之关系密切、互为渊源的戏剧,以其立体化、形象化的形式,在舞台上演绎和诠释四大名著中的故事。

    Before and after these four books , dramas that had close relationship with them annotated the stories among these books in a visualized way on the stage .

  21. 成书于清朝乾隆年间的《红楼梦》,是中国四大名著之一,也是其古典文化的杰出代表。

    Hong Lou Meng , completed during the reign of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty , is one of the " Four Great Classical Chinese Novels " .

  22. 另一个是中国古典四大名著之一的《红楼梦》中,形象鲜活引人注目的王熙凤。

    The other is Wang Xifeng , who is the eye-catching and vivid character in A Dream of Red Mansions which is one of the four classics in China .

  23. 四大名著之一&《红楼梦》是一本价值极高的巨著,所以,它对于语言学界也有非常高的研究价值。

    One of the four famous works & " A Dream of Red Mansions " is a valuable work and for linguistics it also has very high research value .

  24. 四大名著之一的《西游记》中有大量的饮食描写,其作用与其他小说有很多相同之处,但是其魔幻的特征是其他小说无法比拟的。

    Are four greatest works of the journey , food and other descriptive part of the novel have a lot in common , but the magic of other novels without parallel .

  25. 中国四大名著之三,西游记,水浒传,以及三国演义都是明代完成。

    Three of the four great classical masterpieces of Chinese literature-Journey to the West , Outlaws of the Marsh , and Romance of the Three Kingdoms were written in the Ming Dynasty .

  26. 《永乐大典》与《四库全书》编纂的比较中国古典四大名著中诗词作用的异同

    Comparison between the Compilation of " Yong Le Da Dian " and " Si Ku Quan Shu "; Functional Similarities and Differences of Poems and Verses Among the Four Chinese Famous Works

  27. 《三国演义》是我国的四大名著之一,在《三国演义》中人们最熟悉的人物莫过于诸葛亮了。

    " The Romance of the Three Kingdoms " is one of our country 's four big famous works , in which most people are familiar with one character , that is Zhuge Liang .

  28. 中国四大名著之一《西游记》讲的就是唐朝僧人玄奘到古代印度取经的故事。

    The Journey to the West , one of the four Chinese literature classics , tells the story of Xuan Zang , a monk in the Tang Dynasty , traveling to ancient India for Buddhist scriptures .

  29. 本文对四大名著进行的研究,侧重的是其所使用的汉字的研究,也就是四大名著字频的研究,其中不考虑四部名著的汉字隐含的文化意义。

    Four masterpieces of research , focusing on its use of Chinese characters , is the frequency of the words , which does not consider the cultural significance implied by the four masterpieces ' Chinese characters .

  30. 《西游记》是我国古典小说四大名著之一,这一巨著早在清代初期就被译为蒙古文后在蒙古民间广为流传,受到人们的喜爱。

    " Pilgrimage to the West " is one of classical fiction in " four-big masterpiece ", the first mongolia edition was translated in early stage of Qing Dynasty , and was spread and enjoyed widely by the time .