
  • 网络National Academy of Sciences
  1. 尼柯尔是美国国家科学院院士,也是维兰德奖的新近得主。

    Nicoll is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and recent winner of the Heinrich Wieland Award .

  2. 我们的教师其中三位是诺贝尔奖的获得者,二十一位是美国国家科学院院士,物理学的几乎每个主要领域的带头人都有我们的教师。

    Our faculty-three of whom hold Nobel Prizes and21 of whom are members of the National Academy of Sciences-include leaders in nearly every major area of physics .

  3. 他是美国国家科学院的院士、美国科学艺术研究院院士,以及中国科学院院士。

    He is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences , the American Academy of Arts and Sciences , and the Chinese Academy of Sciences .