
  • 网络Utrecht University;university of utrecht
  1. 玛丽安娜的乌得勒支大学海达用于钱德拉源目录数据比较的数百万星系的位置的X射线源的几十万。

    Marianne Heida of the University of Utrecht used data in the Chandra Source Catalogue to compare hundreds of thousands of sources of X-rays with the positions of millions of galaxies .

  2. 该研究调查了荷兰乌得勒支大学医学中心课程改革前后医学生对基础科学的态度。

    The attitudes towards the basic sciences of medical students enrolled in either of 2 different curricula at the University of Utrecht Medical School in The Netherlands were investigated .

  3. NMR实验室,乌得勒支大学,荷兰

    NMR Laboratory , University Utrecht , the Netherlands 1997-2001

  4. 荷兰乌得勒支大学(UtrechtUniversity)社会心理学教授埃斯特·佩皮斯(EstherPapies)发现,在商店入口发放印有“健康”和“低卡路里”字样的食谱传单,能让超重和节食人群下意识地少买些零食。

    Esther Papies , a professor of social psychology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands , found that handing out recipe flyers at a store entrance that included words like " healthy " and " low-calorie " caused people who were overweight or dieting to subconsciously buy fewer snacks .

  5. 来自朱利叶斯健康科学和基层医疗服务中心、乌得勒支大学医学中心的荷兰科学家,做了四万人的评测问卷。

    The Dutch scientists , from the Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care , University Medical Centre in Utrecht , evaluated questionnaires filled in by40,000 people .

  6. 荷兰乌得勒支大学在2014年的一项研究中引入了睡眠拖延的概念,该研究将其定义为“未能在预定时间上床睡觉,并且未受外部环境阻止”。

    The concept of sleep procrastination was introduced in a 2014 study by Utrecht University in The Netherlands , which defined it as " failing to go to bed at the intended time , while no external circumstances prevent a person from doing so . "