
  • 网络entrepreneur
  1. 风险企业家的激励机制研究

    The Research on the Incentive Mechanism of Venture Entrepreneur

  2. 不确定环境中风险企业家与风险投资家的博弈分析

    An Analysis of Games of Venture Entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist under an Uncertain Environment

  3. 本文通过Stackelberg博弈模型的建立,分析风险企业家和风险投资家在产出中的份额分享。

    This paper , with a Stackelberg game model , analyzes the distribution between entrepreneurs and venture capitalists .

  4. 一个对风险企业家管理监控的模型

    Venture Entrepreneur Management Monitoring Model

  5. 另外,风险企业家与风险投资家之间可能存在着一种风险态度互动效应。

    Furthermore , there may exists a kind of risk attitude interplay effect between venture entrepreneurs and venture capitalists .

  6. 风险企业家团队的分工和专业化对于产出分配的影响是重要的。

    Division of labor and specialization in venture entrepreneur team play a great role in the distribution of the output .

  7. 分对称信息和非对称信息两种情形,推导出风险企业家和风险投资家的均衡收益及最优投资水平,给出了分段投资发生作用的条件。

    The model gives equilibrium return and the optimal investment level under symmetric information and asymmetric information , and identifies the condition under which staged financing is feasible .

  8. 北卡罗来州财务风险企业家约翰•罗根表示,他眼睁睁地看着自己的财富随着离婚付之东流,随后他就意识到婚姻离婚保险对自己来说是个不错的商机,因为大部分人在离婚后都想守住自己婚姻财产。

    After John Logan watched his wealth follow his marriage down the drain , the Kernersville , N.C. , entrepreneur figured there must be a market for those who want to hedge their marital bets .

  9. 通过构造风险企业家和风险资本家的效用函数,分析风险企业家和风险资本家的目标函数和约束条件,建立了控制权分配模型并设计了相应的算法。

    By creating utility functions for venture capitalists and entrepreneurs , and analyzing their objective functions and constraints , this paper establishes a model of allocating control rights , and designs an algorithm for the model .

  10. 自由竞争经济制度框架为风险型企业家的产生和中小企业的生成提供适宜的环境条件。

    The framework of the free competition economic system supplies a suitable environment for both the growing-up of " venture entrepreneurs " and forming of SMEs .

  11. 上周四,TechStarsNY的组织者允许我进入一次演示日,同750名风险投资人、企业家和媒体朋友共同见证了这个过程。

    On Thursday the organizers at techstarsny allowed me to infiltrate a demo day and observe this ritual in the wild , along with 750 venture capitalists , entrepreneurs , and members of the media .

  12. 风险资本家与企业家间双重道德风险的研究

    A study of the double moral hazard for venture capitalists and entrepreneurs

  13. 本文围绕风险投资中企业家人力资本特性、风险投资中企业家人力资本作用、风险投资中企业家人力资本激励机制开展研究,对企业家人力资本进行探讨。

    This text is studied entrepreneur 's manpower capital characteristics , function and incentive mechanism in risk investment .

  14. 中国已经培养了一批甘于冒险(常常是巨大风险)的企业家。

    The country has produced a body of entrepreneurs who are willing to take risks , often enormous .

  15. 具有创新意识和风险偏好的企业家对区域经济的发展起着至关重要的作用。

    Entrepreneurs who have enterprising consciousness and risk partiality play an essential impetus role to the development of regional economy .

  16. 在网络热潮的鼎盛时期,对传统慈善团体的失败感到失望的风险资本家和企业家,发起了一场新的慈善运动。

    At the height of the internet boom , venture capitalists and entrepreneurs , disappointed with the failures of traditional charity , started a new philanthropic movement .

  17. 中国经济增长与非国有金融的发展现状表明非国有金融对我国经济发展有重大的促进作用,表现在:促进储蓄和资本形成功能;合理配置风险、激发企业家才能的功能;

    China 's economic growth and the development of non-state-owned financial enterprise show that the non-state-owned financial enterprise can greatly promote the development of the national economy .

  18. 英国,符合特定条件和能吸引5万英镑(即7万7千美金)的风险投资的企业家都能得到签证。新西兰对资金没什么要求,但提供住宿给那些有潜力为国家创收的人。

    Britain gives visas to entrepreneurs who meet certain conditions and attract 50,000 ( $ 77,000 ) of venture funding . New Zealand has no specific capital requirement but offers residency to entrepreneurs whose firms are deemed to benefit the country .

  19. 其实,风险资本家和企业家好比硬币的正反面,大家都需要吸引并利用资金,然后把钱花在刀刃上,这也是大家赖以生存的根基。

    At the end of the day the VC and the entrepreneur are really two sides of the same coin - they both need to attract and deploy capital in the most effective way possible , and their livelihoods depend upon it .

  20. 从影响风险投资中企业家人力资本定价的因素分析入手,针对其多层次、多维度的特点,建立了一个有内在逻辑关系、能够较全面反映企业家人力资本定价影响因素的理论框架。

    Focusing on the multi-level and multi-dimensional characteristics of entrepreneur 's human capital pricing in venture capital , this paper establishes a logical and comprehensive theory frame for the influence factors of entrepreneur 's human capital pricing which can reflect all the influence factors of entrepreneur 's human capital pricing .

  21. 风险投资在美国企业家的绿色浪潮

    In Venture Investment USA Green Trend Among Entrepreneurs

  22. 所谓交易结构,即是风险资本家和创业企业家之间的投资合同。

    Transaction structure , namely , means investment contracts between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs .

  23. 风险企业中的企业家团队

    Business Entrepreneur Team in Venture Business

  24. 然后利用推广的纳什谈判模型具体分析了风险资本家和创业企业家对控制权争夺的博弈过程;

    Then the article analyses the process of the control contest between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs with the game model .

  25. 分析风险资本家与风险企业家之间的关系对于风险企业的治理结构安排与有效运作具有重要意义。

    The analysis of the relationship between venture capitalist and entrepreneur is of crucial significance to the governance of venture business .

  26. 对不遵守规定企业的更严格的处罚和对排放的更细致的监督正在为企业、风险投资家和企业家提供商业机会。

    Tougher penalties for non-compliers and higher scrutiny of emissions are providing business opportunities for firms , venture capitalists and entrepreneurs .

  27. 因而,有必要设计一种机制,使风险投资家确信企业家不会对初始投资回报承诺在事后进行重新谈判。

    Thus , it is necessary to design a mechanism to persuade VCs to believe that entrepreneur will not renegotiate over the return .

  28. 在他们毕业前的最后一堂课上,很多非常风趣的风险投资家和企业家作为客座讲师受邀参加。

    It was their last class in the course that had been filled with a bunch of interesting VC and entrepreneurial guest lecturers .

  29. 利用委托代理理论分析了投资者、风险投资家和企业家三者之间的委托代理机制,探讨了风险投资家和创业家如何通过合理的合同连接以及有效地参与管理来达到他们之间的良性互动;

    By using the theory of the principal-agent , discuss how the venture capitalist and the entrepreneur utilize the rational contract and participate effectively in management to attain their mutual mobilization ;

  30. 经济改革初期,创建私营企业仍需承担政治风险,第一代企业家中某些人来自于社会边缘。

    In the early days of economic reform , to start a private business was still a politically risky thing to do and a few of the first entrepreneurs were from the fringes of society .