
qǐ yè jiā
  • entrepreneur;enterpriser;tycoon;big businessman
企业家 [qǐ yè jiā]
  • [enterpriser] 指那些按照社会需要和盈利原则,经营生产和流通业务,向社会提供产品或劳动的卓越的企业管理者

  1. 25岁的企业家和50岁的企业家是两种不同的人。

    The entrepreneur at twenty-five is a different animal from the entrepreneur at fifty .

  2. 企业家不仅要能承担风险,还应富于远见。

    An entrepreneur is more than just a risk taker . He is a visionary .

  3. 他是成功青年企业家的典型。

    He is the embodiment of the young successful businessman .

  4. 这笔款子是当地一位不愿透露姓名的企业家捐赠的。

    The money was donated by a local businessman who wishes to remain anonymous .

  5. 这个中心有为亚洲的企业和企业家提供建议的职能。

    The centre has a remit to advise Asian businesses and entrepreneurs .

  6. 这个论坛目前向所有企业家新秀敞开大门。

    The forum is now open to all budding entrepreneurs

  7. 威廉和企业家尼古拉斯·考特联手推出这款新车。

    William joined forces with businessman Nicholas Court to launch the new vehicle .

  8. 这位企业家的成功很大程度上是因为他卓越的判断力。

    The entrepreneur 's success was largely due to his excellent judgment .

  9. 一个企业家应具有开阔的视野。

    An enterpriser should have the wide vision .

  10. 外国企业家对在这里投资有顾虑。

    Foreign businessmen had misgivings about investment here .

  11. 这个俱乐部的成员大半是企业家。

    Most of the members of this club are entrepreneurs .

  12. 许多显赫的企业家都是从工厂的工人做起的。

    Many important businessmen commenced as factory workers .

  13. 陪审团冋情那些机器的受害者,将会用可能压垮公司的处罚来惩治企业家们。

    Juries sympathetic to the victims of machines will punish entrepreneurs with company-crushing penalties and damages .

  14. 罗德里格斯是第七名搬进布鲁克代尔1100个老年人社区之一的企业家。

    Rodriguez is just the seventh entrepreneur to move into one of Brookdale 's 1,100 senior living communities .

  15. 这听起来是在说大话,但这位企业家积累的将近130亿美元的财富来自于他的实际成就而非假想。

    This sounds like so much hot air , but the near $ 13 billion fortune this entrepreneur has amassed comes from practical achievements rather than hypothetical ones .

  16. 还有科技行业的许多先驱,其中最有名的是企业家埃隆·马斯克,他们也担忧可能会有超级人工智能损伤人类。

    A number of pioneers from the technology industry , most famously the entrepreneur Elon Musk , have also expressed their concerns about the damage that a super-intelligent AI could do to humanity .

  17. 因此,美国最大的退休社区所有者布鲁克代尔,邀请了几位选定的企业家,让他们搬进退休社区住几天,展示一下他们的产品,听听住户的意见。

    So Brookdale , the country 's largest owner of retirement communities , has been inviting a few select entrepreneurs just to move in for a few days , show off their products and hear what the residents have to say .

  18. 因为没有好奇心,我们就会失去创新精神和企业家精神。

    Because without curiosity we will lose the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship .

  19. 斯帕尔看不上机构重叠和清规戒律,表现出美国人的机敏,有着独立、首创精神和企业家的风度。

    Spawr indeed personified American ingenuity , self-reliance , initiative and entrepreneurship .

  20. 企业家为追求利润而冒险。

    The entrepreneur takes business risks in the hope of making a profit .

  21. 这位20岁的科技企业家以100万美元的价格出售了他的公司。

    The twenty-year-old tech entrepreneur1 has sold his company for a million dollars .

  22. 史密斯先生是位富有的企业家,可他对生活感到不满意。

    Mr.Smith was a wealthy industrialist , but he was not satisfied with life .

  23. 政府正为由年轻企业家创立的小公司提供启动资金。

    The government is offering seed money to small businesses founded by young entrepreneurs .

  24. 起初,我们有“妈妈企业家”,指那些一边照看孩子,一边在厨房餐桌旁创业并把生意做得红红火火的女性。

    First we had mumpreneurs - the women raising children while also setting up thriving businesses from their kitchen tables .

  25. 我弟弟的懒惰足以证明,他想要成为成功企业家的黄粱美梦是行不通的。

    My brother 's laziness is evidence that his dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur is just a pipe dream .

  26. 华威大学是一所英国名校。它与世界紧密相连,具有前瞻性和企业家精神。

    The University of Warwick is one of the UK ’ s leading universities : globally connected , forward-looking and entrepreneurial .

  27. 如今,又有了“奶奶企业家”,她们冲破职场“银色屋顶”,席卷整个商务领域。

    And now we have so-called " granpreneurs " who are breaking the " silver ceiling " and taking the business world by storm .

  28. 我们要挖掘那些得奖作家早期的故事,还有那些企业家早期经历过多少失败。

    we need to dig out the early stories of the writer who now wins prizes and examine more closely how many failures the entrepreneur had to endure .

  29. 98%的企业家对中国经济复苏作出了非常乐观的展望,认为中国是发展最快的地区之一。

    China is seen as one of the fast-growing regions , as 98 percent of entrepreneurs said they are optimistic about China 's economic recovery in terms of GDP growth .

  30. 虽然很多年轻人可能嫉妒他们的生活中没有工作压力,也不需要父母的财政支援,但信托自由儿却可能厌倦自己作为一个富裕企业家或名人的儿子或女儿的身份。

    While many young people would envy a lifestyle without the pressures of work or financial support , a trustafarian may become bored with his or her role as the son or daughter of a wealthy industrialist4 or celebrity5 .