
  1. H公司企业文化诊断评估

    The Diagnosis and Assessment on Corporate Culture of H Company

  2. 本文通过对成立仅2年多,员工不足40人,2003年销售额500万元的小公司&YKS食品公司的企业文化诊断,来论述小企业YKS文化建设的特点。

    This paper demonstrates the characteristics of developments of small enterprise 's culture by diagnosing the small food enterprise YKS which is established only 2 years ago , has less 40 employees and acquired the sale sum of five millions RMB in the last year .

  3. 第二章是专门的企业文化诊断与评估。

    The second block is devoted to the diagnosis and evaluation of the corporate culture .

  4. 第三个层面在对中国人寿保险公司企业文化诊断的基础上进行企业文化核心理念提炼和整合。

    Thirdly , by diagnosing the enterprise culture of CLIC , the author refines and integrates the core idea of enterprise culture of CLIC .

  5. 希望通过对企业文化诊断和变革工具、方法、模式进行的探索性的开发研究,能作为今后各家企业在面临文化变革这一难题时的参考。

    Hope the exploratory research which on the diagnosis of the corporate culture , reform tools , methods and mode , can be considered as the reference when facing this difficult problem of the cultural revolution of every enterprise in the future .

  6. 企业文化的诊断

    Diagnosis of the corporate culture

  7. 首先提出企业核心竞争力的层次结构和组成要素,在此基础上,提出企业文化的诊断和评价体系。

    Firstly this part refers to the consisting structure and factors of core competence , and presents the diagnosing and evaluating systems corporate culture on the basis of core competence .

  8. 因此对企业文化的测评我们必须要走一条定性与定量相结合的道路,完整地展现企业文化的状况。本文的试图把新的调查手段引入抽象的企业文化的诊断与研究。

    So on the corporate culture of evaluation , we must take a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis , show the state of corporate culture completely . This paper attempts to introduce new investigative tools in the diagnosis and research of the abstract corporate culture .