
ɡuānɡ zhào qiánɡ dù
  • Light intensity;strength of illumination
  1. 提高光照强度显著增加了植株鲜重。

    Enhanceing the strength of illumination increased obviously fresh weight of seedings .

  2. 但总的结果分析看,光照强度和振荡频率是影响螺旋藻放氢活性的主要因素。

    Above all , we can get that the strength of illumination and the oscillation frequency are the main influential factors on the hydrogen evolution capacity .

  3. 膜透性则随着光照强度的增大而增大

    The cytomembrane penetrability also increases along with the strength of growth irradiance .

  4. 不同pH、光照强度和培养方式对增殖效果有显著影响。

    Multiplication rate of PLBs were influenced on different light intensity , culture state and pH value significantly .

  5. 光照强度和CO2浓度间接调控对甘薯无糖组培苗光合特性的影响

    Effects of photosynthetic photon flux density and CO_2 concentration on photosynthesis of sugar-free micropropagation of sweetpotato plantlets

  6. 氮素形态和光照强度对烟草生长和H2O2清除酶活性的影响

    Effect of light intensity and nitrogen form on growth and activities of h_2o_2-scavenging enzymes in tobacco

  7. 不同光照强度下CO2浓度对韭菜净光合速率的影响

    Effect of CO_2 Concentration on Net Photosynthesis ( P_n ) of Chinese Chive under Different Intensity of Illumination

  8. 光照强度是影响温室内CO2浓度和利用效率的主要因素。

    Photon flux density is the most important environmental factor affecting CO_2 concentration in greenhouse .

  9. MDA含量和叶片质膜透性均随光照强度的减弱而增加。

    The content of MDA and relative membrane permeability increased with the reduction of light intensity .

  10. 增施P肥,无论是在弱或强光照条件下都有利于婆婆纳的生长,但在弱光照强度下并不能显著促进离子草的生长。

    Phosphorus application benefited growth of V.agrestis under either high or low light intensity , but the effect on C tenella was not significant under low light intensity ;

  11. 本文用十字交叉试验设计法考察pH值、光照强度和光照时间对氧氟沙星葡萄糖注射液稳定性的影响。

    Effects of different pH , illumination time , illumination intensity on the stability Of ofloxacin were observed by means of cross curve experiment design .

  12. 6茄子单个叶片的Pn对主要环境因子(光照强度、CO2浓度和温度)的响应曲线均为抛物线型。

    Curves of Pn in eggplant leaves response to light , CO_ ( 2 ) concentration and temperature were parabola .

  13. 考察了甲基橙初始浓度、催化剂加投量、pH值、温度、光照强度、反应液体积等因素对脱色率的影响。

    The effect of initial concentration of methyl orange , quantity of catalyst , pH value , temperature , light intensity and liquid volume were studied .

  14. 研究表明温度、光照强度、起始pH和乙酸或丁酸浓度皆对两类光合产氢菌群的生长和产氢能力皆有明显影响。

    Temperature , light intensity , initial pH and initial carbon source concentration had great influence on the growth and hydrogen production of two bacterial group .

  15. 光照强度可提高AMF的侵染率和侵染强度;

    Illumination intensity strengthening increased AMF 's colonization and colonization intensity .

  16. 菌体菌龄、颗粒内生物量、光照强度、光照/黑暗时间、基质初始pH以及基质浓度均影响产氢过程。

    Strain age biomass in agar gels , light intensity , light / dark cultivating time , substrate concentration and pH in medium have evident effects on H2-photoproduction .

  17. 本研究利用BEM-Ⅰ系统自动测控塑料大棚内光照强度、温度和CO2浓度,以探求塑料大棚内栽培桧柏实生苗的最佳生态条件。

    This paper studied optimum ecological factors in culturing Sabina chinensis seedlings in plastic greenhouse by monitoring light intensity , temperature and CO2 concentration .

  18. 通过品种、温度、光照强度三因素完全试验得出,温度是影响草毯生产的最重要因素,其次是品种和光照,品种和温度之间成正互作(P<0.05);

    After the complete combination test of grass variety 、 temperature and light intensity , the result showed that the most important factor was temperature , the following ones were grass variety and light intensity .

  19. WUE随光照强度增强呈先增大,达到最大值后又逐渐减小。

    WUE also increased first , but it gradually decreased after it reach max value .

  20. 在相同的光照强度下,光解速率则与DOC浓度呈反比。

    Under the same irradiation intensity , the degradation rate was inversely proportional to the initial DOC concentration . 5 .

  21. 光照强度对斜纹夜蛾幼虫各体色指标都有影响显著(p0.01)。

    The impacts of light intensity to all color parameter of body color on Prodenia litura ( Fabricius ) larvae were significant ( p0.01 ) .

  22. 研究了溶液初始浓度、H2O2和Fe3+投加量、pH以及光照强度等因素对酸性红B染料降解效果的影响。

    And factors of the interference of the degradation were also studied , including initial concentration of liquor , pH value , amount of H2O2 and Fe3 + , irradiation intensity .

  23. 植物排放N2O受植物的种类、生长发育阶段、养分供给、光照强度及CO2浓度等因素的影响。

    N 2O emission by plant is controlled by species and growing stages of plants , nutrient supply , illumination and CO 2 concentration .

  24. 混合营养培养中光照强度及有机碳源对Spirulinaplatensis生长率的作用

    The influence of light intensity and organic carbon sources on the growth rate of Spirulina platensis in mixotrophic culture

  25. 讨论催化剂用量、体系pH值、光照强度等因素,对MB降解率的影响,通过UV-VIS监测降解过程中MB吸光度变化。

    Several factors such as the amounts of catalyst , pH , and light source intensity are discussed . The degradation ratio is characterized by UV-VIS .

  26. 由于光伏电池的转换率有随光照强度增大而增大的特性,所以本文采用了CPC聚光器来增强太阳辐射。

    Efficiency of solar cell is increasing with the sun luminous intensity , so in this paper used CPC solar collector to strengthen solar radiation with .

  27. 同时,考虑到光照强度对RGB颜色空间的影响,本文将获取的模型颜色信息转换到HSV空间下。

    At the same time , color information in RGB space is converted into HSV space for the effect of light intensity .

  28. 以白色荧光灯为光源,用3652(±213)lux光照强度照射RPE细胞。

    Cultured rabbit RPE cells were exposed to cold white light ( 3652 ± 213 ) lx in vitro .

  29. 研究了空心莲子草(Alternantheraphiloxeroides)匍匐茎片段(来源于水体)和宿根片段(来源于陆生环境)萌生苗在不同光照强度下的生长。

    The shoots growth of alligatorweed ( Alternanthera philoxeroides ) was studied under different light intensity .

  30. 结果表明:紫藤叶片的Pn、Tr及WUE对土壤湿度和光照强度的变化具有明显的阈值响应。

    The results showed that the P_n , T_r and WUE had evident threshold responses to the variations of soil moisture and light intensity .