
  • 网络Mahogany;Peach;Myrtus;peach wood
  1. 黑色带棕色斑纹,也可以是栗色或桃木色。

    Black with tan markings , either of rich chestnut or mahogany color .

  2. 此后,从这个故事中引申出了鬼怪桃木之说。

    Since then , from this story come out of the ghost is said Mahogany .

  3. 平谷桃木工艺品,是深受国内外游客喜爱的乡村旅游商品。

    Pinggu 's peach wood artworks are favorite rural tourism souvenirs of visitors .

  4. 桃木地板在大部分的房屋里,石灰华和一些大理石!

    Walnut flooring throughout most of the house , travertine and some marble !

  5. 桃木的原始意象是人类心灵与情感的结晶。

    The archetypal image of peach is the crystal of human souls and emotions .

  6. 让·米歇尔·法兰克设计的桃木羊皮纸面屏风。

    The face screen of peach wood lambskin that Michelle Falanke letting · designs .

  7. 杏桃木和橄榄树的叶子在风中摆动,索索作响。

    The leaves of the myrtle and olive trees waved and rustled in the wind .

  8. 11种不同的饰面,41种用橡木、枫木、樱木、山核桃木制作,以及白色柜门款式。

    Choose form 41 oak , maple , cherry , hickory or white door styles available in 11 different finishes .

  9. 房子以前的主人曾把桃木做的橱柜放在那里,然而我觉得很不适合这座房子。

    The previous owners had put in Home Depot cherry wood cabinets which I felt were completely wrong for the house .

  10. 于是民间就用桃木刻成他们的模样,放在自家门口,以避邪防害。

    Mahogany carved with folk on their appearance , on their own doorstep , in order to ward off evil anti-harm .

  11. 画中的背景图案为象征着爱情、生育力和忠诚的植物&香桃木和温柏树叶。

    In addition , the portrait is painted with background foliage of myrtle and quince , symbols of love , fecundity and fidelity .

  12. 临沂神道桃木工艺制品厂座落在中国最大的商品批发城,沂蒙老区临沂。

    The Linyi ShenDao peach wooden craft production factory is located in the Chinese biggest commercial wholesale city , river bank Mongolia old liberated area Linyi .

  13. 桃役。用桃木做成的佩饰性厌胜物,瓜形,多棱,刻有铭文,内容多祈福壤灾乏辞。

    Ornaments made with mahogany of talismanic objects , melon-shaped , multi-row , engraved with the inscription , the contents of speech more than luck soil lack disaster .

  14. 结合桃木岭高架桥,介绍预应力钢桁架和预应力筋拉杆在桥梁施工中的应用。

    Combining with the practice of Taomuling high pier bridge , this article introduces the application of pre-stressed steel bar frame and pre-stressed steel reinforcing bar in bridge construction .

  15. 后来,人们干脆在桃木板上刻上神荼、郁垒的名字,认为这样做同样可以镇邪去恶。

    Later , people just board inscribed with God in the cherry wood tea , Yu Lei 's name , believing it can do the same town of evil to evil .

  16. 成千只知了躲在草丛里,吱呀吱呀地叫个不停,那叫声很单调。杏桃木和橄榄树的叶子在风中摆动,索索作响。

    Thousands of grasshoppers , hidden in the bushes , chirped with a monotonous and dull note ; the leaves of the myrtle and olive trees waved and rustled in the wind .