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tí cí
  • inscription;dedication;write an inscription;foreword;write a few words of appreciation,commemoration or encouragement
题词 [tí cí]
  • (1) [write a few words of appreciation,commemoration or encouragement]∶为勉励或留作纪念而写下的一段话

  • (2) [inscription;dedication]∶所题的词。冠于一部著作之前,以一种较正式或不甚正式的样式或方式,题写给予某人的姓名及祝贺词

  • (3) [foreword]∶序文

题词[tí cí]
  1. 采访中,我们请基辛格博士为本刊题词,他欣然应允。

    During the interview , I asked him to write an inscription for our English Salon magazine . He agreed joyfully .

  2. 这一题词是鲁迅先生的手笔。

    This inscription is in Lu xun 's own handwriting .

  3. 她在书上签了名,并题词“谨致深切的感谢”。

    She signed the book and inscribed the words ‘ with grateful thanks ’ on it .

  4. 石壁上镌刻着题词。

    The stone wall bears an inscription .

  5. 题铭雕刻的符号或题词,尤指用在纹章图案中基于AFM的纳米机械刻划切屑形成研究

    A graphic symbol or motto , especially in heraldry . Study of Nano-mechanical Characterization of Chip Formation Using Atomic Force Microscopy

  6. 但是,有趣的事,贝克特极其乐意为Clodd多次去巴黎拜访贝克特时总会带去的书上题词。

    All the more interesting , then , that Beckett was more than happy to inscribe the books that Clodd always took with him on his numerous visits to see Beckett in Paris .

  7. 这本书正文前有一幅题词。

    There is an inscription in the front of this book .

  8. 毕业时同学们互相题词勉。

    At graduation the students presented each other with valedictory inscriptions .

  9. 她停下来看扉页上的,题词。

    She stopped to read the inscription on the flyleaf .

  10. 林恩题词将这部小说献给她的朋友诺玛。

    Lynne has dedicated the novel to her friend norma .

  11. 那只钟上有汉字题词。

    The bell bears an inscription in Chinese characters .

  12. 您对我写的两行题词有没有想过是什么意思?

    ' What did you make of the two lines I wrote ? '

  13. 这辆特斯拉上还别着一张卡片,上面有来自员工们的题词:

    The Tesla also bore a card with an inscription from the employees :

  14. 国务委员陈俊生为兰州沙漠研究所题词

    The State Councillor Chen Jun sheng 's Inscription for Institute of Desert Research Lanzhou

  15. 雷锋精神扎根于群众沃土&纪念向雷锋同志学习题词发表40周年

    Lei Feng 's spirit roots in the mass

  16. 题词:书籍引文内的语录。

    Epigraph : Quotation in book preliminaries .

  17. 一种绝迹的古代意大利的欧斯干安不利亚语,只幸存于少量的题词中。

    An extinct Osco-Umbrian language of ancient Italy that survives only in a few inscriptions .

  18. 我用拉丁文为这本书题词。

    I inscribed the book in latin .

  19. 李博士通过电子邮件为本报读者题词。大意为:读书是不受时间或地点限制而能获得知识的唯一。

    Reading Books is the only method of gaining knowledge with no limits of time or space .

  20. 原铁道部副部长国林先生为公司挥毫题词。

    Mr. Guo Lin , the former Deputy Minister of Railway , was writing a message for us .

  21. 但是大多数题词人似乎都很热衷于这项全民自贬的运动。

    But most contributors seems to favour engaging in a popular national sport of self deprecation ( 7 ) .

  22. 然后走到神龛面前取出短剑,读着刀身上的题词。

    Then she goes to the shrine , takes the dagger , and reads the inscription on the blade .

  23. 杭州西湖在1999年就递交了作为“文化遗产”的世界遗产名录的题词。

    The West Lake first submitted for inscription on the World Heritage List as " Cultural Properties " in1999 .

  24. 这里,你可以看到专家们的珍贵的题词,这里你可以看到座谈会的真实场面!

    You can see the experts'valuable epigraph here ; we devote the true scene of the forum to you here !

  25. 这句题词只要把原来的IN字译成中字而不译成上字,就正好用在这只潜水船上。

    It was a highly appropriate motto for this underwater machine , so long as the preposition in is translated as within and not upon .

  26. 接着领导人们绕纪念碑一周,带着尊敬阅读碑侧上题着的代表着中国现代奋斗得题词。

    The leaders then walked around the monument , paying their respects as they viewed inscriptions on its sides that depict the history of China 's modern struggle .

  27. 在深圳的题词是:“深圳的发展和经验证明,我们建立经济特区的政策是正确的。”

    The one he wrote in Shenzhen was ," The development and experience of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone prove that our policy of establishing such zones is correct . "

  28. 七曲及相关序言、题词对有关清初戏曲创作与批评风尚,以及遗民文化的研究,具有一定的参考价值。

    These opera titles and involved preludes and epigraphs will help us research the drama creation , criticism , and loyalists culture in the early Qing Dynasty in more detail .

  29. 我们很高兴地通知您,该公司的学分,保住了他们有关的商品的供给按题词发票和分配给我们。

    We are pleased to inform you that the firm , secured their credit toward you concerning the supply of goods as per the captioned invoices and assigned it to us .

  30. 在王之卓诞辰百年之际,全国政界、学界等许多知名人士题词或撰文纪念。

    Wang Zhuo at the occasion of the birth of a hundred years , national politicians , academics , and many other celebrities , or the author 's inscription to commemorate .