
tí bá
  • preface and postscript
题跋 [tí bá]
  • [preface and postscript] 写在书籍,碑帖,字画等前面的文字叫做题,写在后面的,叫做跋,总称题跋

题跋[tí bá]
  1. 本部分通过列举宋人题跋的例证,分别对其内容的诸方面及形式的诸特点作具体分析,以求对宋人的书迹题跋有较全面的认识。

    This part is to exemplify preface and postscript in Song dynasty and analyze the characteristics of its content and forms in details .

  2. 这些题跋揭示了《鬼趣图》如何从不被接受到被推崇的过程。

    This annotations reveals the process of this picture how to from be never accepted to be respected .

  3. 本论文以题跋为线索,侧重研究书画之间的关系。

    In this paper , for clues to inscriptions , focusing on the relationship between calligraphy and painting .

  4. 题跋是中国画的重要组成部分,其书法既有同绘画的协调性,又有着独立性。

    Chinese painting inscriptions are an important component of both the calligraphy and painting of coordination , also have single-sex .

  5. 本文为清初四僧之一的石涛绘画题跋书法专题研究。石涛是一个极其复杂的人物。

    This thesis provides a monographic study on the works of calligraphy by Shi Tao , one of the " Four Monks " in the early Qing Dynasty .

  6. 其题画多以清新质朴、风趣诙谐见长,独特的题跋,表达了他对人生的体验,对生活的理解,对艺术的不懈追求以及他极富个性的审美情趣。

    His simple and humorous autographs in paintings and prefaces and afterwords express his experience and understanding of life , and continuous pursuit of art as well as his own aesthetics .

  7. 论文从严复为其珍藏的李邕《麓山寺碑》拓本撰写的题跋出发,全面考察严复与中国书法之关系。

    Based on the colophons of Yan Fu 's cherished rubbings of the Lushan Temple Tablet , this paper examined in a comprehensive way the relation of Yan Fu and Chinese calligraphy .

  8. 本文力图将梁章钜与业师翁方纲共置于当时的历史背景中,探究梁章钜与翁方纲的交游关系以及梁章钜的书法题跋所受翁方纲的影响。

    This thesis intends to probe into Liang Zhangju 's association with Weng Fanggang , his teacher , and the influence of Weng on Liang 's calligraphy annotations in this historic background .

  9. 朱彝尊家书,为唐长孺先生收藏,由启功先生题跋,具有重要的文献价值,却从未发表。

    Zhu Yi-zun 's letters home , collected by Tang Chang-ru and recently postscripted by Qi Gong in 1980 , have never been published , but are of important value as historical documents .

  10. 本文是对民国时期散见于专著、论文、题跋、序言等相关资料的章草研究方面的理论进行研究的论文。

    This paper is the period of the republic of books , papers , his comments inscribed catalogue of relevant information , the preface to the study of zhang cao studies the theory papers .

  11. 在他笔下出之以倔强不屈的枝干,慷慨激情昂的题跋,与刚劲有力的笔墨珠联璧合,充分表现了胸中激越昂扬的情感。

    He described the stubborn and unyielding branches , generous passion the Ngong the inscriptions , perfect match with the vigorous and effective ink , fully demonstrated the feelings of the chest agitation spirited .

  12. 本文试图将李日华现存著述、题跋中有关绘画的品鉴和个人认识汇集起来,从而勾勒出李日华的绘画史观念。

    The author examines Li rihua 's extant works , his comments inscribed on works of calligraphy and painting , and his personal ideas , to delineate an overall understanding of his ideas on art history .

  13. 借助古代目录书中提要、题跋等内容为线索,全面考察并尝试确定宋以来亡佚中医古籍,最终整理成宋以来亡佚古医籍书目。

    With the help of ancient book catalogue in the feed , inscription and other content as the clue , comprehensive study and try to determine the research TCM ancient books since the song dynasty , eventually into research since the song dynasty ancient medical books bibliography .