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kē jiù
  • set pattern;old ruts
窠臼 [kē jiù]
  • [old ruts;set pattern] 现成格式;老套子

  • 不落窠臼

窠臼[kē jiù]
  1. 因此,玛丽莎,在你执掌“老紫色”(OldPurple)之际,请容许我给你提一个大胆的建议&大胆构想,跳出窠臼,着眼于粉色(即女性)。

    So Marissa , let me suggest you make a bold move as you take old Purple by the reins – think big , think different , and think pink .

  2. 工业时代的思维方式以及NAICS产业代码使企业的思维模式陷入窠臼,它们的业务模式不是以产品为中心,就是以服务为中心。

    Industrial-era thinking and NAICS industry codes force companies into characterizing their business models as being either product - or service-focused .

  3. imf许多分析师也陷入了与其他大多数经济学家一样的窠臼:各种模型基本上忽略了金融行业,抱着遵循“大缓和”时代的惯性思维即货币政策已臻完美,金融创新缓和了市场波动的心态。

    Many IMF analysts were trapped inside the same paradigm as most other economists : models largely ignoring the financial sector and a mindset buying the conventional wisdom of a " great moderation " where monetary policy had been perfected and financial innovation had tamed volatility .

  4. 窠臼与出路&关于亲情类散文技法的探究

    Stereotype and Way Out & On Writing Techniques of Family-related Essays

  5. 妇女也以其所选择的职业来打破性别的窠臼。

    Women are also breaking gender stereotypes with their job choices .

  6. 《死侍》是最新一部打破之前超级英雄窠臼的电影。

    Deadpool is the latest film to smash the former superhero mold .

  7. 女权主义者关注着女性在男权窠臼下的生存境况,出于对男权的本能拒斥而排斥男性。

    Feminists focus on the living situation under the dominance of male chauvinism .

  8. 我们必须跳脱窠臼,做另类的思考。

    We need to think outside the box .

  9. 它们不怕离开自己熟悉而舒坦的窠臼,它们要去寻求更多的东西。

    And they 're not afraid to leave their familiar , comfortable nest to search for more .

  10. 它涉及到两个或两个以上的主体,因而超出了单一主体&客体的窠臼。

    It involves two or more than two subjects , so it transcends the mode of subject-object .

  11. 在对主题思想的理解方面,他们都能跳出同时代评点者才子佳人的窠臼,领会作者批判现实、批判封建制度的精神。

    In understanding the theme , they both comprehended the spirit of criticism about realities and feudal system .

  12. 西苏的理论落入了一个窠臼,即认为只有一种成为女性作家的途径。

    Cixous'theories fall into the trap of thinking that there is just one way of being a woman writer .

  13. 我本以为多数投稿人会落入我们的成功文化窠臼,说些大学毕业典礼演讲式的套话:要心比天高;

    I expected most contributors would follow the commencement-speech clich é s of our high-achieving culture : dream big ;

  14. 尽管如此,这一阶段的科学教育在中国教育发展史上却也具有非凡的意义&它使得中国的科学教育跳出了专业技术教育的窠臼而正式成为普通学校教育的一个重要组成部分。

    It caused the science education of China as a part of the general school education , but as special technology .

  15. 在涉及空间营造时,跳出结构选型这一窠臼,选取独特视角,探视其造型潜力。

    When the structure shaping is involved , the essay discusses its modeling potential using the new unique angle of view .

  16. 然而,最近出现的导论逻辑教科书仍未脱离旧式教科书的窠臼。

    However , appearing recently , introductory logic textbooks still do not break away from the textbook of the old type .

  17. 在传统侦查制度现代转型过程中,近代中国并没有固守传统侦查制度的窠臼,而是积极移植西方现代侦查制度。

    In the transformation , China actively transplanted the western modern criminal investigation system instead of adhering to Chinese traditional mode .

  18. 她的剧作仿佛不是戏剧,而是“言说的文本”,挣脱了戏剧角色的窠臼。

    Her plays are not theatre , rather " texts to be spoken ", liberated from the tyranny of dramatical roles .

  19. 他是一位天才艺术家,在诗、书、画三方面皆能不落入前人窠臼。

    He is a talented artist , poetry , calligraphy , painting three predecessors have encountered do not fall into the stereotype .

  20. 对田壮壮导演的纪录片《德拉姆》的批评经常局限在艺术批评的窠臼中。

    The criticism on the documentary Delamu , directed by Tian Zhuangzhuang , was often confined to the angle of art criticism .

  21. 方力钧认为,光头就像徵反社会,拒绝接受任何一般的社会窠臼。

    For Fang , it was the liberating gesture of an anti-social hooligan , refusing to fit into any normative social role .

  22. 没必要落入每周必定约会的窠臼,自发随性的约会开心得多。

    Instead of falling back into the same week-to-week rut , go out on a fun , spontaneous , and easy-going date .

  23. 虽然这两次讨论所提出的建议并没有超越前人思索的窠臼,但却使禁酒政策在实施的过程中避免了极端化和盲目性。

    Although the results of the discussions did not surpass the forefathers'ideas , they made the enforcement of policy avoid extremeness and blindness .

  24. 然而,他们仍未脱离秦代以来或言封建、或言郡县的窠臼。

    Their theories , however , failed to break away from the beaten track of feudal system or system of prefectures and counties .

  25. 如果人们能够从跨文化伦理角度审视这些问题,突破二元对立的窠臼,将有可能在一定程度上对以往的研究进行有益的补充。

    If these questions are approached from the angle of intercultural ethic , the conventional binary division can be dissolved with better explanation .

  26. 我们都知道尝试新事物的乐趣,但却又往往落入生活日复一日的窠臼,每周末都过得一样。

    Its always fun to do something new , but often we fall into the trap of spending our weekends the same way .

  27. 二是一味追求出口额和吸进外资数量增长,忽视了我们发展对美经贸关系的根本目的,为出口而出口,为吸引外资而吸引外资,陷于粗放型经营的窠臼而不自知。

    The other is to neglect the fundamental motive of bilateral trade , with expanding export and attracting FDI as the only purpose .

  28. 然而他的法治思想并非完美无缺,其中存在着城邦及历史、人治窠臼、实现善良道德政治的困惑等几个方面的局限。

    But his legal-thoughts is not perfect , with the insufficiencies of concepts of City-State 、 people-ruled and the realization of the good moral-politics .

  29. 第三部分论述在形式上宗白华所期望的现代意境发展的方向,那就是不拘泥于古代的窠臼,追寻多元化的形式美感。

    Part III reveals Yi Jing with modernity that Zong desires , which is an aesthetic feeling expressed in various forms without ancient constraints .

  30. 传统机构设计方法过度仰赖设计者本身专业素养与创意构思,缺乏有系统地利用现有信息,基础回避设计层级中往往无法有效掌握技术的创意概念,导致陷入低阶设计修改的窠臼之中。

    In traditional mechanical design , design process excessively depends on designer 's creativity and professional competence , and lacks systematic application of current information .