
  • 网络ambition;Field of Dreams;G.I.Jane
  1. 他的辉煌成功超越了他的壮志雄心。

    He outreached his own ambitions by his spectacular success .

  2. 没你在我身边我的壮志雄心必败无疑

    and without you at my side , my ambitions will fail .

  3. 我们一生中的大部分时间都在缩小壮志雄心,因为这个世界告诉我们别想的太大。

    We spend most of our lives cutting down our ambitions because the world has told us to think small .

  4. 但是,因为很多老师自身基本上没有认识到这一点,因而他们常常向学生暗示相反的信息,进而摧毁了学生的壮志雄心。

    But because this hasn 't generally been true for the teachers themselves , they often imply the contrary message and so quash ambition .