
  • 网络Plateau Airport;ZHP
  1. 根据某型飞机4km以上禁止放起落架的规定及高原机场的使用要求,研究了该型飞机在高原机场着陆时放起落架的安全高度。

    According to the requirements of altiplano airport and the prohibition of a fighter to down landing-gear above 4000 meters , this paper makes research on the problems of the safe altitude of down landing-gear .

  2. 浅析高原机场及航线的飞机性能管理

    Brief Analysis about Airplane Performance Management for High-altitude Airfields and Airlines

  3. 理论研究、模拟器模拟试飞结果与高原机场飞行结果一致。

    The theoretical results accord with the simulating flight and the real test .

  4. 某型飞机高原机场放起落架的安全高度

    Study of the Safe Altitude of Down Landing-Gear of a Fighter on Altiplano Airport

  5. 中国民航高原机场CNS/ATM解决方案

    CNS / ATM Solutions for Chinese Highland Airports

  6. 高原机场飞机起飞着陆滑跑距离测试与分析

    Test and Analyses of Airplane 's Running Distance of Taking-off and Landing on Plateau Airport

  7. 遥感数字图像处理关键技术及其在青藏高原机场建设工程中的应用

    Application of Remote Sensing Image Digital Processing in The Aerodrome Construction in Western Altiplano of China

  8. 保障高原机场安全飞行

    For Flying Safety at Plateau Airports

  9. 为了确保高原机场运行安全,中国民航局正大力推进民航新技术的应用。

    New aviation technology have been vigorously promoted by CAAC , to make sure the safe operation at high elevation airports .

  10. 由于高原机场的固有特点,高原飞行和运行与低海拔机场相比,面临更多更为复杂的问题。

    There are more difficult and complex problems of operation at high elevation airports than that of low elevation airports , due to high elevation airports ' own character .

  11. 在此基础之上,结合航空公司特殊高原机场运行特殊要求及运行统计资料,采用专家调查法确定影响特殊高原机场航线签派放行的重要因子。

    On this basis , with the operation specific requirements of special plateau airport operating and the operation statistics , the important factors affecting the special plateau airport route dispatch were determined by the experts investigation .

  12. 并通过算例给出了高度与地面滑跑距离之间的关系曲线,为飞机在高原机场的起降提供一定的参考;

    Then by numerical example of aircraft conceptual design , we offered the relationship between the height of airfield and ground running distance , for which was the reference taking off and landing on plateau airport .

  13. 高原机场航班运营保障的关键环节之一就是航班的签派放行,目前国内外关于这一专题的研究还非常有限。

    The flight dispatch is one of the key factors that guarantee the safety of the flight operations at the high-altitude airport , the current research on the topic at home and abroad is still very limited .

  14. 高原机场一般地理环境和气象条件都很复杂,昼夜温差大、风速大、风向多变,经常伴随严重的乱流和风切变,天气变化迅速。

    The high elevation airports ' geographical environment and meteorological conditions are quite complex , such as large variations in temperature , wind speed and directions . Severe turbulence and windshear are often accompanied in these area , so the weather in high elevation airports always change rapidly .

  15. 在多个机场建设工程3S技术综合应用基础上,设计了高原区机场建设工程管理与决策支持地理信息系统框架,为机场建设现代化管理提供重要的技术支持。

    Based on the comprehensive application in several airfields construction , the author designs a frame of engineering project management GIS and decision support system in plateau area , which provide the vital technologies for the airfield construction and modernization management .

  16. 高原重要机场航班延误的气象因素分析

    The Climatic Factors Analysis on Scheduled Flight Delay of Important Airport in Plateau

  17. 但由于高原复杂机场空气稀薄,地形、气象条件复杂,高原缺氧对机组影响大等多方面因素,大大增加了高原机场和航线运行的难度。

    However , it significantly increased difficulty to the operation of plateau airports and lines , due to the special elements of the plateau airport , such as thin air , complex topography , complex meteorological condition , and anoxia of aircrew .