
kàng měi yuán cháo
  • Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea;the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea;the movement to resist U.S. agression and aid Korea
抗美援朝[kàng měi yuán cháo]
  1. 抗美援朝战争锻造形成的伟大抗美援朝精神,是弥足珍贵的精神财富,必将激励中国人民和中华民族克服一切艰难险阻、战胜一切强大敌人。

    The great spirit forged during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is a " precious spiritual wealth " that will inspire the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to overcome all difficulties and obstacles , and prevail over all enemies .

  2. 抗美援朝宣传教育工作的经验。

    The last is the experience of the propaganda and educational work .

  3. 抗美援朝战争的国际影响

    The International Influence of Anti-America and Aiding Korea War

  4. 抗美援朝的胜利是靠什么得来的呢?

    To what was this victory due ?

  5. 抗美援朝战争与中国建设大后方国防战略思想的形成

    The Korean War and the Formation of an International Strategy of Building a Major Rear Area

  6. 抗美援朝战争中志愿军对联合国军战俘心理转化问题研究

    Researches on Psychological Transformation of Prisoners of War by Chinese People 's Volunteers during the Korean War

  7. 抗美援朝与新中国经济

    The ′ War to Resist America and Aid Korea ′ and the New China ′ s Economy

  8. 结语部分:论述了本文论证的合理性,并指出抗美援朝运动中重庆地区宣传动员的伟大历史意义。

    Meanwhile , it points out great historical significance of publicizing and mobilizing the resist-America-aid-Korea movement in Chongqing .

  9. 朝鲜战争在中国被称为抗美援朝战争。

    In China , it 's known as the War to Resist the US Aggression and Aid Korea .

  10. 抗美援朝的战略决策在政治与军事互动中的得与失

    Achievements and Failings in the Interaction Between Politics and Military Affairs During the Strategic Decisions of the Korean War

  11. 抗美援朝战争的特殊性决定了其政治与军事的互动作用与以往战争相比更有特殊性的表现,如政治对军事的主导作用增强;

    The special nature of the Korean War shaped the interaction between politics and military affairs during the war .

  12. 第三章,是对抗美援朝运动中的诉苦运动进行梳理与分析。

    The third chapter recounts and analyzes the complaining activity during the Resisting U.S and Aiding North Korea Movement .

  13. 第一章,是抗美援朝运动与中国民众的社会心态。

    The first chapter is about the Movement of Resisting U.S and Aiding North Korea and the Chinese social psyche .

  14. 第三部分:抗美援朝运动中重庆地区开展宣传动员的内容。

    The third part : The study on the main content of publicizing and mobilizing the resist-America-aid-Korea movement in Chongqing area .

  15. 发生在1950年10月至1953年7月的抗美援朝战争,是新中国成立后,中国人民进行的第一次反侵略战争。这场战争的胜利,极大地提高了新中国的国际地位。

    The Chinese victory in the Korean War against American invasion of Korea greatly raised China 's status in international affairs .

  16. 抗美援朝文学伴随着这场战争而产生,在我国当代文学史上无疑是一个涉及异国的极为重要的文学典型。

    The literature produced with the war , as the important literature typical which Involved Foreign country in Chinese Contemporary Literature history .

  17. 抗美援朝战争中阵亡的109名中国人民志愿军的遗骸已运抵中国。

    The remains of 109 Chinese soldiers killed in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea have arrived in China .

  18. 自1951年以来,该休养院先后集中供养了2800多名退伍军人,其中参加抗美援朝战争的约2200人。

    The sanatorium has served over 2800 veterans since 1951 , including 2200 from the Chinese People 's Volunteer Army who the Korean War .

  19. 当然,争取抗美援朝的胜利对他们有利。我们应当因势利导,夺取斗争胜利。

    Undoubtedly winning the war was in their interest . We should make the best use of the situation and guide the struggle to victory .

  20. 本部分主要从宣传动员的初期、普及和高潮三个阶段,来厘清抗美援朝运动中重庆地区开展宣传动员的发展历程。

    From initially stage , popularization tage to the climax stage , It mainly clarifies the development course of propaganda and mobilization in Chongqing region .

  21. 严重的军事较量和谈打交织的激烈斗争;以及抗美援朝战争所取得的伟大胜利和深远的历史意义。

    This article also expresses the military conflict , the profound historical significance and the great triumph of the resistant war against American army in Korea .

  22. 新中国国防建设的需要及抗美援朝战争后的深刻启示是陈赓军事技术教育思想产生的历史背景。

    The historical background to Chen Geng 's thinking about military technology education lay in the needs of China 's national defense development and the Korean War .

  23. 抗美援朝很艰难,没有制空权,炮弹不足,物资供给困难,兵源补充不及时,防空设施基本是空白。

    Resist very difficult , no air , shell is insufficient , supplies difficulties , & political supplement is not seasonable , air defense facilities basic is blank .

  24. 抗美援朝运动开始之前,中国民众对于抗美援朝存在着各种消极性的心态,这正是抗美援朝运动的重要诱因。

    The prevailing negative psyche of the Chinese people towards Resisting U.S and Aiding North Korea prior to the movement is right the major reason of the movement .

  25. 甲午战争和抗美援朝战争的比较建国初期危机事件的应对机制&以抗美援朝期间的反对美军发动细菌战为例

    The Mechanism of Response to Emergencies in the Early Days after the Founding of the People 's Republic : Taking the Fight against the Bacteriological Warfare as an Example

  26. 由于具有得天独厚的“沿海、沿边、沿江”的优势及甲午海战、抗美援朝等重大的历史事件背景,丹东市确立了以旅游业为支柱产业的发展战略。

    Dandong city establishes the strategy depending on tourism because it has the advantage of closing the Yellow Sea , the Korean , the Yalu River and many historical backgrounds .

  27. 受访人盛志勇曾三次参加战伤救治:1951年,作为外科医师参加了上海第一批抗美援朝志愿医疗手术队;

    Sheng Zhiyong saw active service treating soldiers in three wars ; in1951 at the outbreak of the Korean War , he joined the Shanghai First Voluntary Medical Team as a surgeon ;

  28. 曾参加过抗美援朝战争的老兵们共聚长春万达国际影城,一同观看《英雄儿女》,缅怀那段峥嵘岁月。

    Once joined Korean War 's veterans copolymerization Changchun ten thousand to reach the international cinema city , watches " Heroic Children " together , cherishes the memory of that eventful years .

  29. 第二章,对抗美援朝动员中宣传动员的形式与方法进行了梳理,并总结了抗美援朝运动中宣传动员的特点,试图在此基础上对于抗美援朝运动中宣传动员的作用机制有所展示。

    The second chapter introduces the mobilizing forms , specific methods and the characteristics of the publicity movement , trying to reveal the functioning mechanism of the publicity mobilization during the movement .

  30. 通过对已有材料的梳理,本文认为,抗美援朝的战略决策作为党和国家的意志,需要有一个转变为人民群众的自觉行动的过程。

    Based on the existing material , the thesis presents that the strategic decision of Resisting U.S and Aiding North Korea needs a transition from the Will of the CPC and the State to the Conscious Action of the Mass .