
kàng xīn lǜ shī cháng yào
  • antiarrhythmic;anti-arrhythmia agent
抗心律失常药[kàng xīn lǜ shī cháng yào]
  1. 新Ⅲ类抗心律失常药及开发前景

    The perspective of development of new class ⅲ antiarrhythmic agents

  2. 2002~2005年我国抗心律失常药市场状况及趋势分析

    Chinese Market for Antiarrhythmic Drugs : Status and Trends in 2002 ~ 2005

  3. 抗心律失常药UK-68798对家兔心脏房室结区不同细胞的电生理作用

    Electrophysiological effects of antiarrhythmic drug UK-68798 on different AV nodal cells in rabbit heart

  4. 毒毛旋花子甙K或冰凉花总甙与抗心律失常药合用于小鼠乌头碱诱发的心律失常

    Action of k-strophanthin or adoniside with antiarrhythmic drugs on aconitine induced cardiac arrhythmia in mice

  5. Ic类抗心律失常药Cibenzoline转复山羊持续性心房颤动过程中心房异常电位的变化

    Changes of Abnormal Potential During Cardioversion of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation by Cibenzoline in Goats

  6. 提示CRL为慢动力型,属IC类抗心律失常药。

    These results suggest that the CRL is a Na + channel blocker and a slow kinetic drug , and belongs to Ic type of anti arrhythmic drugs .

  7. 第Ⅰ类抗心律失常药Changrolin是影响Na+转运、纠正电生理紊乱而发挥作用。在Changrolin结构基础上,进行系统地结构改造和修饰,形成一系列抗心律失常药。

    The functions of class I antiarrhythmic drug changrolin are to affect Na + transportation and to correct electric physiology disorders .

  8. 目的探讨抗心律失常药盐酸普萘洛尔(PL·HCL)在猪口腔颊黏膜上的渗透作用及药物经口颊黏膜吸收的影响因素。

    Purpose To investigate the permeation of model drug , propranolol hydrochloride , through the excised porcine buccal mucosa . To study the influences of various factors on the buccal absorption also studied .

  9. 多非利特是一种新批准的抗心律失常药,用于房颤(AF)和房扑(AFL)患者的转复及维持窦性心律。

    Dofetilide is a new agent approved for the conversion and maintenance of sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation ( AF ) and atrial flutter ( AFL ) .

  10. 本文采用常用抗心律失常药(AAD)对33条犬进行46次实验,观察AAD对实验性急性心肌梗塞(AMI)心室晚电位(VLP)的影响。

    This paper carried experiments of 46 cases in 33 dogs to observe the effects of antiarrhythmic drugs on ventricular late potential ( VLP ) in actue myocardial infaction .

  11. 盐酸劳卡胺不良反应及血药浓度采用高效液相色谱法测定了抗心律失常药劳卡胺(Lor)及其活性代谢产物去甲劳卡胺(NL)血药浓度。

    Adverse reactions and serum concentration of lorcainide hydrochloride A HPLC method has been developed for the assay of lorcainide ( Lor ) and its active metabolite , nor lorcainide ( NL ) .

  12. 方法:13例IVT患者中男性9例,女性4例,术前停用任何抗心律失常药5个半衰期以上。

    Method : Thirteen patients with IVT ( including 9 males and 4 females ) . Stop using any to resist the above of 5 half - lives of medicine of arrhythmia cordis before the skill .

  13. 根据闸门相关受体假说,应用计算机模拟,分析了新抗心律失常药AN-132阻滞心肌钠通道的动力学特点,及其作用的闸门相关受体。

    Based on the gate-related receptor hypothesis , an analysis on kinetics of AN-132 , a new antiarrhythmic agent , blockade of cardiac sodium channels and the gate-related receptor which be bound by the drug was performed by computer simulation .

  14. 抗心律失常药胺碘酮临床药理学研究进展

    Advance in search for clinical pharmacology on antiarrhythmic drug of amiodarone

  15. 抗心律失常药研究Ⅱ&1-对甲苯基-2-取代四氢异喹啉衍生物的合成

    Studies on antiarrhythmic agents , ⅱ syntheses of 1-p-methylphenyl-2-substituted tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives

  16. 选用有效抗心律失常药控制室速。

    Appropriate anti - arrhythmic drugs were given to control VT.

  17. 心肌离子通道与抗心律失常药研究进展

    Advance in Research of Myocardial Ion Channel and Anti-arrhythmic Drug

  18. 非抗心律失常药的致心律失常作用及相关危险因子

    Proarrhythmic effects of non-antiarrhythmic agents and related risk factors

  19. 利多卡因是临床上常用的一种抗心律失常药和局部麻醉药。

    Lidocaine is a commonly used anti-arrhythmic drug and local anesthetic in clinical practice .

  20. 单纯Ⅲ类抗心律失常药度非替丁

    Dofetilide , a Pure Class ⅲ Antiarrhythmic Agent

  21. 抗心律失常药物体内代谢及其临床影响因素

    Metabolism of Antiarrhythmic Drugs and its Affecting Factors

  22. 方法通过阐述早搏的类型、发病机制、心电图特征及抗心律失常药作用机制。

    Objective To study the relation between ECG character and treatment of ventricular extrasystole .

  23. 治疗心血管疾病的药物主要有强心药、抗心律失常药、抗高血压药、抗心绞痛药、降脂药等。

    Cardiovascular medicine mainly includes cardiotonic , antiarrhythmic drugs , antihypertensive drugs and antianginal drugs etc.

  24. 甲状腺素与心肌离子通道关系及抗心律失常药的开发

    The Relation of Thyroid Hormone to Ion Channels in Cardiac Myocytes and Development of Antiarrhythmic Drugs

  25. 然而心室功能受损也使抗心律失常药更易出现毒副作用。

    However , patients with impaired ventricular function also have an increased risk of adverse effects from antiarrhythmic drugs .

  26. 最后,维持窦性心律所带来的益处也可能被抗心律失常药的毒副作用所消减。

    Finally , the possible benefit of sinus rhythm maintenance may be reduced by some of the harmful effects of currently available antiarrhythmic agents .

  27. 成功病例中术后未使用任何抗心律失常药,随访半年未见再发室性心动过速。

    Succeed case use any resist arrhythmia cordis medicine , follow up a case by regular visits to and meet the room nature tachycardia of recidivation half a year after the skill .

  28. 本文阐述了心肌缝隙连接的结构、在疾病中的功能调节及抗心律失常药的作用,展望心肌缝隙连接将成为新世纪开发心血管药物的新靶点。

    Myocardial gap junction construction and its function modulation in some heart diseases and by antiarrhythmic agents were reviewed , and myocardial gap junction is expected to become another novel target for developing new antiarrhythmic drugs in the new century .

  29. 随访(232±123)月,未服任何抗心律失常药,无1例复发及并发症发生.结果表明,抗H。

    T / 24 ? h , respectively ( P < 0 01 ) . There was no recurrence or complication and the patients did not take any anti-irrhythmia medicine during the ( 23 2 ± 12 3 ) months follow-up .

  30. 心律平抗心律失常疗效及其血药浓度的临床意义

    Antiarrhythmic efficacy of propafenone and clinical significance of its serum concentrations