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  • inward current
  1. 其机制可能是Tet抑制慢钙通道,减少内向电流。

    The mechanism may be Ca ~ + + channel was blocked by tetrandrine and slows the inward current was slowed .

  2. 目的探讨洛土辛(Lot)对心肌动作电位(AP)及犬浦肯野纤维(PF)慢内向电流(Isi)的影响和其在正性肌力效应中所起的作用。

    AIM To study the effects of Lotusine ( Lot ), a pure alkaloid extracted from the green seed embryo of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn , on the action potentials ( APs ) in myocardium and slow inward current ( Isi ) in cardiac Purkinje fibers ( PF ) .

  3. 甲硫-脑啡肽对大鼠DRG分离神经元ATP-激活内向电流的抑制

    Inhibition of ATP-activated currents by met-Enk in isolated DRG neurons of the rat

  4. 提示烟碱可加强心肌细胞的慢内向电流(Isi)

    The results suggested that nicotine might enhance the slow inward current Isi of myocardiac cells .

  5. 结果:无GABA时,MZ不能单独诱发内向电流;

    Results : In the absence of GABA , MA alone could not induce inward currents .

  6. 提示组织胺的致室性心律失常作用,很可能与促进心肌细胞慢钙内向电流而引起DAD和触发激动有关。

    The results suggest that the mechanism of the arrhythmogenic action of histamine might be related to the enhancement of slow inward calcium current to thus induce the delayed afterdepolarization and triggered activity in ventricular muscle cells .

  7. 应用双微电极电压钳技术,观察粉防己碱(Tet)对犬心脏浦氏纤维细胞的慢内向电流(I(?)

    Effects of tetrandrine ( Tet ) on the slow inward currents in canine cardiac Purkinje fibers were studied by using two-microelectrode voltage clamp technique .

  8. 全细胞膜片钳记录结果显示NMDA可诱发一大的内向电流,CNTF可快速抑制NMDA诱发的电流,用PTPi-2阻断CNTF的JAK/STATs通路后仍可快速抑制NMDA诱发的电流。

    Whole cell patch-clamp recording results showed NMDA evoked an inward current . CNTF can rapidly suppress the current peaks evoked by NMDA . After the JAK / STATs pathway was blocked by PTPi-2 , CNTF still can inhibit the currents evoked by NMDA .

  9. 粉防己碱对犬心浦氏纤维慢内向电流的作用

    Effects of tetrandrine on the slow inward currents in canine cardiac Purkinje fibers

  10. 川芎嗪加强豚鼠乳头状肌慢内向电流的作用

    Enhancement effect of Tetramethylpyrazine on slow inward current in guinea pig papillary muscles

  11. 1个神经元为内向电流。

    In five neurons the current was found outward , but it was inward in one neuron .

  12. 我们还发现在生理溶液条件下产生的瞬态内向电流可被钙调蛋白激酶抑制肽所抑制。

    We also found that I ti was suppressed by CaM kinase inhibitory peptides in the presence of physiologic solutions .

  13. 研究发现在弱磁场作用下,钠离子的内向电流幅值与对照组相比大大降低,说明弱磁场作用抑制了钠通道的开放。

    The results show that the amplitude of Na + current is lower than control group . And it reveals that the magnetic field irradiation inhibits the opening of Na + channel . ( 4 ) HMM is used to reconstruct ion single channel current simulated by computer .

  14. 在结肠炎大鼠的DRG细胞上,17β-雌二醇可以快速调节ATP诱导的内向型电流。

    In DRG cells from colitis rats , 17 β - estradiol modulated ATP induced inward currents .

  15. 钳制电压为-100mV时,正常细胞的内向交换电流密度为0.42±0.14pA/pF,肥厚细胞达1.12±0.33pA/pF(P<0.001)。

    At a holding potential of - 100 mV , the inward current densities were 0.42 ± 0.14 pA / pF in normal cells ana 1.12 ± 0.33 pA / pF in hypertrophied cells ( P < 0.001 ) .

  16. 方法利用Langendorff模型以及膜片钳技术研究心肌细胞内向钙电流。

    Methods Study the action potential and influx calcium ion current of ventricular muscle cells of guinea pigs by using Langendorff model and patch - clamp technique .

  17. 复氧10min后,内向钙电流不能恢复,峰值低于对照水平。

    The inward calcium current showed no recovery after 10 min reoxygenation . The peak amplitude was lower than that of the control .

  18. 统计学结果表明在测试的所有小鼠心室肌细胞中,10μMadenosine使心内膜、外膜下细胞的内向整流电流分别增加了22.3%±3.9和49.6%±23.1(相对于基础电流)。

    Our statistical results suggest that in all the mouse ventricular myocytes we measured , 10 μ M adenosine induced an increase of 22.3 % ± 3.9 and 49.6 % ± 23 in inward rectifier current ( versus the basal current ) in endocardial and epicardial ventricular myocytes , respectively .

  19. Ba2+对基础内向整流电流的作用。

    The effect of Ba2 + on the basal inwardly rectifying current .

  20. 视锥光感受器内向整流电流特性和功能

    The properties and function of inward rectifying currents in bullfrog cone photoreceptors

  21. N-甲基小檗胺对豚鼠单一心肌细胞慢内向离子电流的作用

    Effect of N-methyl berbamine on slow inward current in single cardiac cell of guinea pigs

  22. 川楝素抑制豚鼠乳头状肌慢反应电位的延迟整流及内向整流电流

    Inhibition of delayed rectifier and inward rectifier currents of the slow action potential with toosendanin in guinea-pig papillary muscles

  23. 此外还检测到电压依赖性的离子流,主要为延迟整流型的外向钾电流和快速的内向钠电流。

    In addition , voltage dependent ion channels were detected , and were identified as delayed rectifier potassium channel and sodium channel .

  24. 以膜片钳技术记录单个心室肌细胞内向钙电流及电流-电压曲线、内向整流钾电流及延迟整流钾电流。

    The influence of CMP on the inward calcium current ( I Ca ) and its current-voltage relationship , the inward rectifier and delayed rectifier potassium current were recorded by patch-clamp techniques in guinea pig ventricular myocytes .

  25. 特异性增强心肌内向整流钾电流(I(K1))-抗心律失常新途径

    Specifically Enhancing Inward Rectifier Potassium Current ( I_ ( K1 )): A New Antiarrhythmic Pathway

  26. 目的:研究未成年人心房肌细胞瞬间外向钾电流(I(to))和内向整流钾电流(I(Kl))的特性。

    AIM : To study the properties of transient outward K + current ( Ito ) and inward rectifier K + current ( IK1 ) in immature human heart .

  27. 明显抑制内向整流钾电流(IK1),尤其在超极化时;

    Suppressed the inward rectifier K + current ( I KI ) significantly , especially at hyperpolarization ;

  28. 【目的】体外诱导大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)分化为心肌细胞并探讨其内向整流钾电流(IK1)特征。

    [ Objective ] To study the differentiation of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) into cardiomyocytes in vitro and the characteristics of inward rectifier potassium current ( IK1 ) of induced cells .

  29. 结果延胡索乙素可明显抑制延迟整流钾电流(IK)和内向整流钾电流(IK1),并呈剂量依赖性。

    Results In ventricular myocytes of guinea pig , the delayed rectified potassium current ( I_K ) and the inwardly rectifying potassium current ( I_ K1 ) were blocked by THP in a concentration-dependent fashion .

  30. 目的:研究蝙蝠葛碱对豚鼠心室肌细胞快激活(I(Kr))和慢激活(I(Ks))延迟整流钾电流及内向整流钾电流(I(K1))的作用。

    AIM : To study the effects of dauricine ( Dau ) on the rapidly activating component ( Ikr ), the slowly activating component ( Iks ) of the delayed rectifier potassium current , and the inward rectifier potassium current ( Ikl ) in guinea pig ventricular myocytes .