
  • 网络Microfiber;Microfibre;Micro fiber;microfibril;microfibrils
  1. 微纤维织物比棉布精细3倍。

    Microfibre fabrics are three times finer than cotton .

  2. 微纤维织物既防水又防风。

    Microfibre fabrics are both water resistant and windproof

  3. 但研究小组称,这种绒毛状人造微纤维正对陆地造成日益严重的影响。

    But increasingly , says the team , this synthetic2 fluff is affecting the land .

  4. 污水处理厂现在可以收集排入污泥中的大部分微纤维,这些微纤维随后会扩散到农田里或掩埋在垃圾填埋场。

    Waste water treatment works now catch most of the fibre lost in the sludge , that 's then spread on croplands or buried in landfill .

  5. 活性染料对锦纶66微纤维的染色深度、固着率和固着效率受温度、pH值、染料母体结构和活性基的影响很大。

    The color depth and the fixation were greatly affected by dyeing temperature , pH , chromophores and reactive groups .

  6. 阔叶木浆50~53°SR,石膏微纤维用量20%;

    Hardwood pulp : 50-53 ° SR , plaster microfibre dosage 20 % ;

  7. SDSPAGE分析表明,经等电点纯化的微纤维蛋白质的主要成分是59.5kD和63.5kD蛋白质。

    As revealed by SDS_PAGE , the 59.5 kD and 63.5 kD proteins were the major components of the microfibrillar protein purified by isoelectric point precipitation .

  8. 玻璃微纤维在AGM隔板中的应用状况

    Application of glass microfibers in AGM separators

  9. 纤维素纤维在超声波作用下发生细胞壁层的脱除,使高反应性能的S2层微纤维暴露,对提高纤维素的可及度和化学反应性能非常有利。

    The exposure and the fibrillation of S2 layer contribute much to the enhancement of the accessibility and reactivity of cellulose fibers .

  10. 通过对铝合金、结构钢等金属接触腐蚀表面的EDS成分分析和SEM微观形貌分析,探讨金属材料与玄武岩微纤维隔热材料接触腐蚀的原因。

    Based on EDS and SEM analysis of metal corrosion surface , the course of contact corrosion between aluminum alloy , structural steel and basaltic microfiber heat-resistant materials were proposed .

  11. BC的纳米纤维与骨的胶原纤维在形态学方面是一致的,这种微纤维能以类似于骨组织增长的方式诱导晶体形成,使得BC具有作为骨组织工程支架的潜能。

    BC nanofibers are similar to natural morphology collagen in bone . BC nanofibers can induce the formation of crystals , so BC is a potential engineering scaffold for bone tissue .

  12. Marfan综合征(Marfansyndrome,MFS)是一种常染色体显性遗传性结缔组织病,其病变的微纤维主要牵累3个组织器官系统:骨骼、眼和心血管。

    Marfan syndrome , an autosomal dominant heritable disorder of connective tissue disease , is characterized by involvement of three major systems ( skeletal , ocular , and cardiovascular ) due to alteration in microfibrils .

  13. 湿喷钢/微纤维-硅粉混凝土的研究与试验

    Studying and testing of spray steel / micro-fiber & fly concrete

  14. PTFE/陶瓷/微纤维的成型烧结特性研究

    Research of moulding & sintering of PTFE / ceramic / mini-fiber

  15. 聚丙稀微纤维喷混凝土在隧道施工中的应用

    Application of polypropylene tiny fiber shotcrete in tunnel construction

  16. 经常用镜片专用的微纤维清洁布清洁眼镜。

    Clean your glasses frequently with a microfiber cloth made especially for lenses .

  17. 锦纶66微纤维活性染料染色条件探讨

    A Discussion on Dyeing Conditions of Polyamide 66 Micro fibers with Reactive Dyes

  18. 微纤维玻璃棉打浆度与其手抄纸透气度关系实验

    Experiment on Beating Degree of Glass Microfibers vs Air Permeability of Hand-Laid Paper

  19. 聚丙烯微纤维混凝土的研究和应用

    The Study and Application of Polypropylene Tiny Fiber Concrete

  20. 蚕丝/涤纶微纤维交织物活性/分散染料一浴法染色

    One Bath Dyeing of Silk / Polyster Microfiber Mixtures with Reactive / Disperse Dyes

  21. 比较了澳洲美利奴羊羊毛和军垦细毛羊羊毛的形态与结构,对它们的角质层、皮质层以及皮质层内的巨纤维、微纤维的精细结构进行了初步观察和分析。

    Their morphology and structure were compared with that of the Australian merino wool .

  22. 太行山隧道进口工程湿喷微纤维混凝土的选择与施工

    Selection and construction of wet basting microfibrils concrete in taihang mountain tunnel entrance project

  23. 涤纶微纤维气流纺纱

    Open - end Rotor Spinning of Polyester Microfibres

  24. 聚苯胺微纤维的热稳定性

    Study on the thermostability of polyaniline microfibers

  25. 马凡综合征微纤维蛋白1基因突变检测及单倍型连锁分析

    Fibrillin-1 gene mutation in Chinese patients with Marfan syndrome and its gene diagnosis by haplotype analysis

  26. 石膏微纤维用于纸张增强

    Paper Strengthening by Plaster Tiny Fiber

  27. 一般伞的面料包括缎子、涤纶、棉布、尼龙以及其他微纤维面料。

    Common umbrella fabrics include satin , polyester , cotton , nylon and other microfiber materials .

  28. 在喷混凝土中掺加一种新型材料&聚丙稀微纤维,是改善喷混凝土性能的一种有效方法。

    To add a new material-polypropylene tiny fibers in shotcrete is an efficient way to improve its performance .

  29. 羟基磷灰石纳米纤维是釉质的分级结构基础,进而经过多级组装形成了微纤维以及纤维束等高级组装结构。

    Hydroxyapatite nano-fibrils are the fundamental hierarchical structure level , which then assemble into fibrils and fibers level by level .

  30. 当细菌纤维素的结晶度较高时,氧化产物中有可能出现两到三根微纤维聚集形成的纤维。

    When bacterial cellulose got a high crystallinity , there might occur nanofibers aggregated by two to three microfibrils in the oxidation products .