
  • 网络bambi
  1. 我们把虐待动物的人关进监狱,我们不顾危险在四周布满鲸鱼和捕鲸船的船上游玩,我们带着童年时期关于小鹿斑比(Bambi)妈妈的悲惨遭遇的痛苦回忆。

    We jail people who abuse animals , put ourselves in harm 's way in boats between whales and whalers , carry our childhood traumas of what happened to Bambi 's mother .

  2. 紧随而来的是一股会说话的动物的银幕浪潮,比如电影《小鹿斑比》(1941)以及电视节目《爱德大人》(1958-1966)便分别由一只鹿和一匹马担任主角。

    What followed was a wave of talking animals on screen , in films like Bambi ( 1941 ) and shows like Mister Ed ( 1958-1966 ) , featuring a deer and horse respectively .

  3. 迪士尼有米奇,但之后该公司还推出了白雪公主、皮诺曹、小飞象、小鹿斑比等等,不一而足。

    Disney ( DIS ) had Mickey , but then it had Snow White , Pinocchio , Dumbo , Bambi and on and on from there .

  4. 有一首诗讲述眼神温顺的小鹿斑比是如何演变成那种叫做佛恩的温顺女子,提到了她们那如同光柱一般的金色头发和长腿。

    One poem traces the evolution of generic doe-eyed deer named Bambi into generic women named Fawn , with their light shafts of long blond hair and long legs .

  5. 罗伯茨出演了加里马歇尔执导的电影《漂亮女人》和《逃跑新娘》,他说罗伯茨身上聚集了奥黛丽赫本、露西尔鲍尔和小鹿斑比的特点。

    Garry marshall , who directed Roberts in pretty woman and the runaway bride , described the actress as a blend of Audrey hepburn , Lucille Ball and bambi .

  6. 该公司采用了手绘动画的形式来讲述这个故事,完成后的广告效果看起来酷似二十世纪40年代的迪士尼卡通电影,比如受到几代人喜爱的《小鹿斑比》。

    The store has used hand drawn animation to tell the story with the result the commercial looks very much like a classic Disney film from the 1940s , such as Bambi , which has been watched by generations of children .