
quē dé
  • wicked;mean;villainous
缺德 [quē dé]
  • [mean;wicked] 不顾道义,有损德行。指人做坏事及恶作剧

  • 缺德的行为

缺德[quē dé]
  1. 我哪能干那种缺德事儿呢。

    How could I play that sort of mean trick ? it 's the last thing I would do !

  2. “那么,是谁这么缺德告诉你了呢?”

    " Now , who was mean enough to tell you ?"

  3. 她一边冲向我,一边还喊着我有多缺德多邪恶。

    She flew at me , shouting how wicked and evil I was .

  4. 你在公园里乱扔垃圾可真缺德。

    It was wicked of you to drop litter in the park .

  5. 他这样做可真缺德。

    It 's wicked of him to act like that .

  6. 多么缺德的行为!

    What a foul action it was !

  7. 这样对待她真缺德。

    What a rotten thing to do to her !

  8. 那种事做得太缺德了,你这卑鄙的家伙!

    That was a rotten thing to do , you skunk !

  9. 有个作家说到神因美国缺德而惩罚美国。

    One writer said God was punishing America for its immorality .

  10. 这并不意味着大公司雇员就更缺德。

    That doesn 't necessarily mean big-company employees are less ethical .

  11. 加门特说,“这桩缺德事”牵涉面很广。

    Garment said the " sordid mess " had many dimensions .

  12. 那个缺德的人说我敲诈他,是不是?

    That bastard said I blackmailed him , didn 't he ?

  13. “那种事做得太缺德了,你这卑鄙的家伙!”

    " That was a rotten thing to do , you skunk !"

  14. 这是个聪明的念头,不过也是个缺德的法子。

    It was a clever idea , but a very wicked one .

  15. 像他那样欺负自己的孩子真缺德。

    It 's a crimethe way he bullies his children .

  16. 在遥远的耶路撒冷,缺德的希律王仍然是国王。

    In distant Jerusalem , wicked Herod was still king .

  17. 真缺德,有个女的说,格格直笑。

    " It 's a shame ," a woman said , giggling .

  18. 你为什么总那么缺德,在背后说我是非?

    Why are you always so mean and say things behind my back ?

  19. 他的幽默有些调皮,甚而有几分缺德。

    He had an impish , rather wicked humour .

  20. 为人处事十忌:你可以缺钱,但不能缺德;

    Mannered ten ji4 : you can lack of money , but not wicked ;

  21. 这是由于他自己的缺德吗?

    Was it due to his private immorality ?

  22. 缺德的白雪公主的恶毒继母非常嫉妒她继女的美貌。

    Snow White 's wicked stepmother is very jealous of her stepdaughter 's beauty .

  23. 就象古时候那样,现在还有个缺德的男爵,多有意思?

    Isn 't it nice to have a wicked Baron just as in olden times ?

  24. 坏人名声是缺德的。

    It 's wicked to defame others .

  25. 这个缺德的店主一逮到机会就敲客人竹杠。

    The wicked shopkeeper tried to rip off his customers whenever he got the chance .

  26. 每每看到这些不文明行为,你也许会皱着眉头嘟囔一句:缺德!

    Often seen such uncivilized behavior , you may be calling burble sentence : manufacturing of !

  27. 这位男子的下流形象与他所从事的非法交易,让这个号码与放荡缺德画上等号。

    The man 's seedy image and illicit business meant that the number became associated with immorality .

  28. 他属于那种认为酒里掺冰是缺德的人。

    He 's one of those people who thinks it 's sacrilege to put ice in wine .

  29. 有多少次你站在十字路口差点被缺德的开车人轧死?

    How often have you been almost killed by a rude driver while standing at a crosswalk ?

  30. 想出此缺德方案的人,你怎么不想想加车厢。

    Who come up with this wicked program , how can you not think about Canadian cars .