
cǎo yuán hónɡ niú
  • Red Steppe
  1. 草原红牛血液蛋白多态性及与生产性能相关性

    Correlations between the blood protein polymorphic points and performance of Red Steppe

  2. 草原红牛主要经济性状的遗传参数估计

    Estimation of genetic parameters for economic traits in red steppe

  3. 草原红牛染色体核型与C带分析

    Study on the Karyotype and C-b and of Red Steppe

  4. 红色(英文)草原红牛染色体核型与C带分析

    Study on the Karyotype and C-band of Red Steppe

  5. 红色(英文)草原红牛群体中微卫星DNA多态性的研究

    Polymorphism of Microsatellite DNA in Grassland Red Cattle Population

  6. 草原红牛及其杂交群体中微卫星DNA多态性研究

    Study on Polymorphism of Microsatellite DNA in Grassland Red Cattle and its hybrid Population

  7. 草原红牛IGF-I基因5′调控区序列的生物信息学分析

    Bioinformatics Analysis on 5 ′ UTR of IGF-I Gene in Red Steppes

  8. 草原红牛MSTN基因第一外显子SNPs分析

    Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms ( SNPs ) Analysis on the First Exon of Myostatin Gene ( MSTN ) in Grassland Red Cattle

  9. 草原红牛C带带型特征与已报道的普通牛C带特征相一致:所有常染色体着丝粒区深染,常染色体臂和整个X染色体为浅染,Y染色体为半深染。

    The C-band of Red Steppe was the same as that of the Bos taurus : centromere region of all autosomes was deep stain ; autosomal arm and whole X - chromosome were superficial stain ; Y - chromosome is semi - deep stain .

  10. 草原红牛m-calpain基因的多态性及其与肉质性状的关系

    Analysis on polymorphism of calpain gene in China red cattle and its relationships with meat quality traits

  11. 草原红牛与利木赞杂交后增重效果的观察

    Observation on Weight Gain Effect after Crossing of Red Steppe and Limousin

  12. 中国草原红牛品种资源现状及展望

    Present Situation and Prospects of Chinese Red Steppe Resources

  13. 草原红牛微卫星标记与部分生产性能的相关研究

    Relationship of Microsatellite Markers in China Red Cattle with the Part of Performances

  14. 草原红牛体尺体重性状微卫星标记的研究

    Study on the Microsatellite Marker of body measurements and weight Traits of Grassland Red Cattle

  15. 利用基因芯片技术构建中国草原红牛公牛与阉牛差异基因表达谱

    Construction of Different Gene Expression Profile between Bull and Steer in Red Steppes by Genechip

  16. 草原红牛年龄、泌乳月对乳脂率的影响

    The effects of delivery age and lactation month of Red Steppe Cattle on milk fat rate

  17. 不同营养水平对草原红牛及其肉用群体肉用性能的影响

    Effect of Diets with Different Nutritional Levels on Beef Performance Traits of Grassland Red Cattle and Meat Group

  18. 三个培育品种:西门塔尔(31头)、中国荷斯坦(63头)、草原红牛(27头);

    Three developed breeds , Simmental ( 31 ) , Chinese Holstein ( 63 ) and Grassland Red Cattle ( 27 );

  19. 这些微卫星位点作为遗传标记应用于草原红牛遗传育种研究之中是可行的。

    As genetic marker , the 8 loci can be used in the study of genetics and breeding of Grassland Red Cattle .

  20. 草原红牛是一种优质的乳肉兼用型牛,同时具有乳用和肉用性能,可以实现一牛两用。

    Grassland Red Cattle is a kind of high-quality dual-purpose cattle , which can be used for simultaneous production of milk and meat .

  21. 草原红牛导入丹麦红牛血液试验效果(第二报)红斗篷是用来诱牛和保护刺牛骑上的。

    Test Results of Steppe Red Cattle Crossed by Danish Red The cape was used to run the bulls , to protect the picadors .

  22. 运用分子生物学技术,分析了草原红牛、草原红牛与利木赞杂交后代群体在8个微卫星座位的遗传多态性。

    In this study , the genetic polymorphism of Grassland Red Cattle ( GLRC ) and its improved hybrid by Limousine ( LM ) in 8 Microsatellite loci were analyzed with the techniques of molecular biology .

  23. 草原红牛的平均乳脂率为3.35%,随年龄的增长而逐渐下降,由4岁的3.73%降到9岁的3.13%;

    The average rate of milk fat of Red steppe cattle was 3.35 % . With age increasing , milk fat rate droped gradually by 3.73 % on 4 old year to 3.13 % on 9 old year .

  24. 高寒草原不同季节对草原红牛群体发情频率及情期受胎率影响的研究

    Effects of Season on Heat Rate and NR Rate of Red Steppe Cattle in Grassland of Paramo Type