
  • 网络adventure tours
  1. 如果是为了悠闲缓慢的探险游,乘骑骆驼穿越蒙古的戈壁滩是最好不过的了。

    For a slower-paced adventure , ride a camel through the Gobi Desert of Mongolia .

  2. 这个旅游项目要进入到拉玛尔山谷观察狼群的行踪和穿上雪鞋背起行囊完成这次探险游活动。

    Trips into Lamar Valley to see wolves in action and snowshoe adventures complete the tour package .

  3. 文化差异制约下的中国西部镜像&20世纪初域外探险者笔下的西部探险记游

    On Stories of Adventure to the West China of Foreign Adventurers at the Beginning of the 20th Century

  4. 我喜欢科学和艺术,也浮潜,潜水,探险洞穴,游绳和攀爬。

    I enjoy Science and Art and also snorkeling and scuba diving , caving , abseiling and climbing .

  5. 英国达拉姆附近的探险谷儿童游乐园近日举办了一场与众不同的仓鼠赛车比赛。

    An adventure park for children in Adventure Valley in Brasside , near Durham , has begun staging the unusual sport of hamster racing .

  6. 据英国《每日邮报》8月20日报道,英国达拉姆附近的探险谷儿童游乐园近日举办了一场与众不同的仓鼠赛车比赛。

    According to Daily Mail of August 20 , an adventure park for children in Adventure Valley in Brasside , near Durham , has begun staging the unusual sport of hamster racing .