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tái ɡé
  • cabinet minister
台阁 [tái gé]
  • [official residence?] 官府。本指尚书台,此指大官府

  • 仕宦于台阁。--《广东军务记》

  1. 深紫红色,台阁型。瓣基黑紫,花朵直上,花蕾圆尖。叶中长尖,深绿色。叶柄硬,斜生。株型直立

    Mulberry , multi_petalled ; upright flowers with black_purple base , flat round buds , medium_sized narrow leaves in dark green , stiff , slanting leaf stalks .

  2. 台阁名胜记是八大家散文中重要的一种。

    Tai Ge of Interest is an important kind of prose .

  3. 明代台阁派形成

    The Shaping of the Tai-ge School in Ming Dynasty

  4. 明代台阁体文学三题

    Three Characteristics of Cabinet-style Literature in Ming Dynasty

  5. 台阁型山茶花仅仅是楼子型雄蕊离心式瓣化的初级形式。

    The garret type is just as the preliminary formation of tower flower type centrifugal petalody .

  6. 第四部分,总括八大家台阁名胜记散文的共性特征。

    The fourth part , in conclusion , " Eight " Tai Ge of Interest common characteristics .

  7. 第一部分,论述韩愈、柳宗元台阁名胜记的思想内容和艺术特色。

    The first part discusses the Han Yu , Liu Tai Ge of Interest of the ideological content and artistic characteristics .

  8. 台阁体的诗文创作在明初盛行一时,席卷文坛,一枝独秀。

    The " Taige ti " poem and prose creation was very popular and outshine others in the Early Ming Dynasty .

  9. 第三部分,从思想内容、艺术特色两方面论述三苏的台阁名胜记。

    The third part , from the ideological content , artistic features two discussed the " three Soviet Union ," Taiwan cabinet spot in mind .

  10. 很多茶陵派作家供职于馆阁,因而可以说茶陵派文风是台阁体之一种;

    However , since many Chaling writers served court offices , it follows to say that the style of the Chaling school was a kind of the officialese style .

  11. 然而以三杨为代表的台阁体文学在学界得到的评价不高,因此对三杨研究开展得明显不够。

    However its representative " the Officialese Style " did not receive high reputation in the literary world , " Three Yang " also was not paid much attention to .

  12. 真挚深情的抒情风格和疏淡晓畅的语言风格既是学习杜甫等前辈诗人的结果,也受到同时期的台阁诗风和江南诗风的影响。

    Sincere lyric style and straightaway language style not only is the result of learning du fu , but also influenced by palace poetic style and Jiangnan style of the same period .