
  • 网络Taipei Confucius Temple
  1. 台北孔庙中也没塑像;

    Taipei Confucius Temple , the statue did not ;

  2. 台北孔庙采曲阜本庙建筑,梁柱门窗皆未刻字显得朴实又庄严。

    Taipei Confucius Temple in Qufu , the temple architecture adopted , beam windows and doors have made no lettering seems simple , yet dignified .

  3. 走进台北孔庙,首先看到的就是棂星门。

    Taipei ´ s Confucius Temple , the first to see that Lingxing-door .

  4. 在资讯科技产业大本营的台北,有许多孔庙、道宫和庙宇,这些往往也是取得神谕的地方。

    In the middle of the IT city of Taipei you can find an overload of Confucian , Taoist and Buddhist temples that serve as oracle places .