
  1. 儿子走后半个月,姜春阳突发急性肺炎。

    Half a month after Jiang Hao 's death , Jiang Chunyang came down with acute pneumonia .

  2. 姜春阳头脑灵活、为人豪爽,主要负责外联,刘兰性格泼辣、吃苦耐劳,主要负责人员管理与财务。

    Jiang Chunyang had a flexible and outgoing mind , which helped him a lot in communicating outside , while Liu Lan was iron-willed and industrious , which made her responsible for management and finance .

  3. 回国后,出于对姜浩负责任,李老师将姜浩在国外的表现,向姜春阳作了详细的汇报,希望他能够以这次出国为契机,让姜浩从此以后好好学习。

    After coming back from abroad , out of responsibility , Mr Li reported to Jiang Chunyang his son 's performance and hoped that he could seize this opportunity to motivate his son to study hard .