
  • 网络cold beer;Ice Beer
  1. 我喝了一杯冰啤酒解渴。

    I quenched my thirst with a glass of cold beer .

  2. 对不起,冰啤酒喝完了。

    B : Sorry , they 've run out of cold beer .

  3. 与此同时,《旗帜晚报》却写道,CLRCFF咖啡“味道浓郁,就像烈性的冰啤酒”。

    The Evening Standard , on the other hand , writes that CLR CFF is " strong , like a potent cold brew . "

  4. 嗨,芬.来罐冰啤酒?

    Hey , Fin . You want a cold one ?

  5. 一杯冰啤酒真能解渴。

    A cold beer would really wet my whistle .

  6. 要来点冰啤酒吗?我车上有。

    You want a cold beer ? I got some in the car .

  7. 我真想马上喝一杯冰啤酒。

    I can hope a cold beer right now !

  8. 喝一杯冰啤酒,感觉爽快极了!

    After drinking a glass of cold beer , you feel very refreshed .

  9. 教训:早晨空腹不能猛喝冰啤酒。

    Fasting not big lesson : Good morning beer .

  10. 有趣的是,这里的驴还对冰啤酒情有独钟,常常在餐桌边穿梭。

    Interestingly , donkeys there even have a special liking for beer , ice .

  11. 比如说,我们一直确保晚上的派对活动有冰啤酒提供。

    For example , we make sure we have cold beer for our parties .

  12. 烧烤达人们已经清楚一杯冰啤酒在烧烤中能起到很好的搭配作用。

    Grillmasters already know that a cold brew is a fine companion at the barbecue .

  13. 他告诉精灵我现在马上就要一瓶冰啤酒。

    I 'd love an ice-cold beer right now , he told the genie . Poof !

  14. 来瓶冰啤酒怎么样?

    What about an iced beer ?

  15. 马上来杯冰啤酒该有多美!

    A : Eh , it 'd be nice to have a cold beer right now !

  16. 我喜欢整天呆在床上;我喜欢冰啤酒。

    I feel like staying in bed all day ; I feel like a cold beer now .

  17. 在这样的热天里,我真想喝杯冰啤酒。

    On a hot day like this one , I could really go for an ice-cold beer .

  18. 冰啤酒生产的结晶工艺介绍

    Crystalling Technology of Ice Beer

  19. 在澳大利亚,许多年轻人喜欢在仲夏享受海滩烧烤和冰啤酒所带来的快乐。

    In Australia , many young people enjoy the warm weather with a beach barbecue and cold beer .

  20. 嘿儿子我和小卡要去喝点冰啤酒

    Uh , hey , kid , Cam and I are gonna go crack a couple cold ones .

  21. 我喜欢在热天打开空调,手里拿一瓶冰啤酒看电视。

    I like to turn up the ac , grab a cold beer and watch TV on hot days .

  22. 在这儿一边享用冰啤酒,一边欣赏夕阳慢慢被周围绿地隐没的景象简直是再好不过了。

    There is no better place to enjoy a cold beer as the sun sinks behind the surrounding parkland .

  23. 西方女孩来大姨妈的时候,会喝冰水和冰啤酒。

    I have noticed that western girls are always drink cold water and cold beers on their period times !

  24. 后来我我一边梦想着冰啤酒一边数着躺在路边的死猫死狗。

    Later I dreamt of an ice-cold beer and counted the dead dogs and cats lying along the roadside .

  25. 最能提神解劳的莫如在回程列车上喝杯冰啤酒。

    For refreshment , there 's just nothing that beat sip down a cool one on the train head home .

  26. 当这些二十几岁的年轻人步入四十岁时,他们依然会保持心意已冷的态度喝冰啤酒吗?

    When these twenty-somes turn forty , will they still uphold the art of chilling out over a couple of cold ones ?

  27. 中老年人群可以把每日一杯红酒换成冰啤酒,也不必担忧健康问题。

    Middle-aged and elderly people can now swap their daily glass of red wine with a cold beer without worrying about their health .

  28. 海滩棚屋里的妇女烤捕获的鲜鱼给我们吃,我们买了冰啤酒和水果。

    These Balinese women in a shack behind the beach grilled us freshly caught fish , and we bought cold beers and chilled fruit .

  29. 到达市中心广场后,选了个室外空位坐下,一杯爽口的冰啤酒可是不能缺少的!

    When arriving in downtown , we found outdoor seats with a little garden view , ordering a very cold draft beer really made our day !

  30. 冰啤酒的酿造工艺是使其产生冰晶,把冰晶去处后就等于减少了水的成分并提高了啤酒的酒精含量。

    Ice beer is chilled until ice crystals form which are removed , thereby reducing the beer 's water content and elevating its percentage of alcohol .