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  • freezer;refrigerator;ice chest;deep-freeze;chest freezer;ice locker
  1. 许多图像被保存在冰柜中,在冰水下,在受损的木船上。

    Many of the images were stored in an ice chest , under freezing water , in the damaged wooden ship .

  2. 而我们的“雪种子”就在他的老式冰柜里。

    Our snow seeds were in his old ice chest .

  3. 多数家用冰柜能制冷到零下18摄氏度以下。

    Most domestic freezers operate at below – 18 ˚ C.

  4. 她希望他们能有个小冰柜来放点午餐肉和汽水。

    She wished they had a cooler to hold some luncheon meat , some sodas .

  5. 早在冰柜到来之前,就有用冰来保存和供应食物的需求了。

    Well before the arrival of freezers , there was a demand for ice for food preservation and catering .

  6. C?格雷厄姆太太,把一大堆食品放进了家用冰柜,就在同一天,她的宠物猫失踪了。

    Graham missed her pet cat on the same day that she put a good deal of food down in her home deep-freeze unit .

  7. 国产聚合MDI在冰柜保温上的应用

    Application of Polymeric MDI Made in China in Thermal Insulation of Refrigerators

  8. RT-PCR及Western所用标本为手术中切除新鲜组织,切除后立即存放在液氮中,然后冻存于-80℃超低温冰柜中手术切除标本均经组织病理学确诊。

    Samples for RT-PCT and Western blotting were fixed immediately in liquid nitrogen after surgery , stored at - 80 ℃ in ultra-low temperature freezer . All samples were confirmed by histopathology .

  9. 他最终希望岛民可以用iphone的应用软件来控制自己的家用电器,“自己的家人回来前2小时,可以给冰柜发啤酒冰镇的指令。”

    Eventually , he hopes , that means people will control their household appliances from an iPhone app , " so you can give it instructions that you want your beer fridge on two hours before your mates come around . "

  10. 为了使泰国的中间商销售其乳制品,Foremost公司运用租赁和有条件销售合同以一美元的价格向那些零售小商店和饭店提供冰柜,条件是要满足合同条款。

    In order to get Thai middlemen to carry Foremost 's dairy products , the company used leasing and conditional sales contracts to provide small retail outlets ' and restaurants with freezers for $ 1 if contract terms were met .

  11. bd-105型电冰柜温度控制系统的研究。

    The study of the temperature controlling system for the freezer of the type bd-105 .

  12. 方法将正常家兔和心肌缺血家兔分别置于低温(-10±2)℃和低氧8.5%的氮氧混合气体的冰柜中30min,然后,测定冷刺激和低氧同时作用下的正常和心肌缺血家兔心电图的变化。

    Methods Put normal rabbits and ischemia rabbits into mixed gas fridge for 30 minutes under hypoxia ( 8.5 % oxyg ) and low temperature ( - 10 ± 2 ℃), then , record the ECG changes of the normal rabbits and the ischemia rabbits under hypoxia and low temperature .

  13. DADIRINURO:“我们种有土豆、西红柿、甘蓝、生菜、卷心菜、洋葱、葱……”该社区组织在农贸市场出售部分产品,现在已购买了冰柜。

    DADIRI NURO : " We have potatoes , we have tomatoes , we have kale , lettuce , cabbage , onion , The community group sells some of its produce at a farmers market and has now bought storage freezers .

  14. 她根本对这个冰柜货车杀手摸不清楚。

    She doesn 't have shit on the real ice-truck killer .

  15. 食堂配有冰柜、烤箱、冷藏柜等。

    Canteen with freezers , ovens , refrigerators and so on .

  16. 我在冰柜里存着一小瓶她的血样。

    I keep a vial of her blood in my freezer .

  17. 第四章澳柯玛冰柜业务外部环境分析。

    The fourth chapter is the analysis on external environment .

  18. 冰柜货车杀手把他的受害者放干血。

    The ice-truck killer drains the blood from his victims .

  19. 介绍了使用计算机自动控制的家用冰柜例行试验系统。

    An automatic routine examination system for refrigerators is proposed .

  20. 冰柜门玻璃用低辐射薄膜的防结露性能的理论和实验研究

    Studies of Anti-dewing Performance of Freezer Door Coated with Low Emissivity Film

  21. 冰柜衬板用1145铝合金带材工艺研究

    Study on the Process of 1145 Aluminum Alloy Strip for Refrigerator Lining-board

  22. 后院有一冰柜的饮料,大家随意!

    There 's a cooler of drinks out back ! Help yourselves !

  23. 这个人是在试图超越冰柜货车杀手的技艺。

    The person who did thiswasn 't trying to emulatethe ice-truck killer .

  24. 你要把灶具和冰柜放在什么地方?

    Where are you going to put the cooker and the fridge ?

  25. 交70美元租金我们会给您提供一部电话和一个小冰柜。

    For $ 70 well provide you with a telephone and a mini-bar .

  26. 他们在冰柜前发现了一小滩水。

    In front of the deep-freeze they found a small pool of water .

  27. 内抽芯冰柜发泡模设计

    Design of the Foam Mould with an inner core-pulling mechanism for the Icebox

  28. 冰箱或立式冰柜。拉伸可调整大小。

    Refrigerator or upright freezer . Stretch to resize .

  29. 那个烟囱死者还在你冰柜抽屉里吗?

    Is the chimney guy still in your drawer ?

  30. 对澳柯玛冰柜营销策略进行总结,提出进一步需要研究的问题。

    Summarize the marketing strategy , and put forward the further research problems .