
  1. 以福鼎大毫茶、福安大白茶等适制白茶品种为试验材料,分别对茶树嫩梢和白茶茸毛的生化成分进行测定。

    Using some cultivars , such as Fuding Dahaocha and Fuan Dabaicha , which were suitable for processing white tea , the biochemical compositions of tender shoots and pubescence were determined .

  2. 试验结果表明:尖波黄、湘妃翠、福鼎大毫和白毫早适制黄茶品质较好,尤其是尖波黄。

    The results showed that : sharp wave Huang Hsiang Fei Tsui Fuding cents and Pekoe early as suitable for making yellow tea quality is better , especially the sharp wave yellow .