
  • 网络Cbi;the Confederation of British Industry
  1. 英国工业联合会对财政大臣承认经济出现衰退表示欢迎,并希望能出台降低利率的政策。

    The CBI welcomed the Chancellor 's recognition of the recession and hoped for a reduction in interest rates .

  2. 英国工业联合会(CBI)等商业集团一直在强调这个问题,政府在上次预算中也予以了承认。

    That problem has been highlighted by business groups such as the CBI and acknowledged by the government in the last budget .

  3. 英国工业联合会预计,今年英国GDP增速将放缓至0.8%,明年则会出现收缩。

    The closely watched Confederation of British Industry forecast gross domestic product growth will slow to0.8 % in2008 and will contract in2009 .

  4. 英国工业联合会(confederationofbritishindustry)抨击该税收计划为“粗暴手段”,将迫使交易活动转移到纽约和香港。

    The Confederation of British industry attacked the tax plan as a " crude instrument " that would divert trading activity to New York and Hong Kong .

  5. 保尔森在向英国工业联合会(confederationofbritishindustry)致词时表示,中美之间在经济政策问题上存在不少矛盾美国长期以来一直希望中国允许人民币兑美元汇率升值。

    Addressing the Confederation of British industry , Mr Paulson said there had been a fair amount of tension between Beijing and Washington over economic policy the US has long wanted China to let its currency rise against the dollar .

  6. 这种情况在2010年是属实的。当时,英国工业联合会(CBI)时任总干事理查德•兰伯特爵士(SirRichardLambert)警告称,薪酬过高的程度如此严重,以至于CEO“可能被看作外星人”。

    This was true in 2010 , when Sir Richard Lambert , then head of the CBI business association , warned it was so out of line that CEOs " risked being treated as aliens . "

  7. 雇主团体英国工业联合会(CBI)的调查显示,四分之一的雇主对毕业生的基本读写能力不满意,16%对他们的计算能力不满。

    A survey by the CBI employers ' group showed a quarter of employers were unhappy with graduates ' basic literacy and 16 per cent were dissatisfied with their numeracy .

  8. 根据英国工业联合会(cbi)和普华永道(pwc)上个月进行的调查,许多高管认为,信贷危机不会持续那么长,尽管金融服务业的多数高管都相信,这场危机还将持续半年多。

    Many executives are assuming the credit crunch will not carry on that long , although the majority of financial services senior managers believe it will take more than six months , according to a CBI / PwC survey last month .

  9. 英国工业联合会是一个商业游说团体,它估计通过在家中治疗慢性疾病可以节省约15亿英镑。

    The Confederation of British industry , a business lobby group , estimates that 15 billion could be saved by treating chronic diseases at home .

  10. 英国工业联合会还预计,与不断上升的失业率联系在一起的是,英国的国内生产总值也将出现自1991年以来最急剧的下滑。

    Going hand in hand with the rising unemployment trend , the CBI predicts Britain 's GDP will show its sharpest fall since 1991 as well .

  11. 被指定人员之一,英国工业联合会前任老板理查德·兰伯特,在委员会举行第一次会议之前就辞去了他的职位。

    One of the people appointed , former CBI boss Sir Richard Lambert , resigned from his post before the committee had held its first meeting .

  12. 英国工业联合会理事长约翰·克里德兰表示政府接受低薪委员会的建议,提升成年人和青少年工资,这是“具有积极影响的”。

    CBI director-general John Cridland said it was " positive " that the government had accepted the LPC 's recommendations on the adult and youth rates .

  13. 英国工业联合会说,学生接受更高学费这事是“不可避免的”,并且助学贷款需支付更高的利息。

    The Confederation of British Industry has said students should accept higher tuition fees as " inevitable " and pay more interest on their student loans .

  14. 十一月,财政司司长曾荫权在英国工业联合会及皇家国际研究所合办的座谈会上致辞。

    In November , the Financial Secretary , Mr Donald Tsang , addressed a seminar organised by the Confederation of British Industry and the Royal Institute of International Affairs .

  15. 英国工业联合会发布的一份最新报告进一步加剧了经济前景的黯淡。报告显示,失业率上升将使英国面临经济艰难的一年。

    Adding to the gloom , a new report by the Confederation of British Industry shows that this is going to be a rough one economically in Britain with unemployment heading up .

  16. 英国工业联合会称,英国的公司希望裁定能够被推翻,这样指导法会像它最初的目的一样,专注于员工的健康和安全。

    The CBI said that British businesses would like to see the judgments reversed , so that the directive is focused on the health and safety of the workforce , as originally intended .

  17. 英国最大的商业游说团体英国工业联合会警告说,英国日益上升的失业率可能在明年年底达到高峰。

    Britain 's largest business lobbying group , the Confederation of British Industry warned rising British unemployment levels will probably peak toward the end of next year .

  18. 阿代尔·特纳是英国金融服务部门的前主席,也是影响力巨大的英国工业联合会的主席,他表示后期管理实际上已经在合同签订之前就已经预先存在了,用于如何保持最初的合同内容。

    Adair Turner , former Chairman of the British Financial Services Authority , and director general of the influential Confederation of British Industry , says post-management was actually preinstalled before the contract was signed , as was how to keep the initial contract .