
  • 网络semiconductor physics;Physics of Semiconductor;Basic Semiconductor Physics
  1. 本文从半导体物理学的角度阐述了LAPS的基本原理,并介绍了一个用于多种生物化学参数测量的LAPS系统。

    This paper describes the mechanism of the light addressable potentiometric sensors ( LAPS ) in detail from the viewpoint of Semiconductor Physics , and introduces the fabrication of a biochemical LAPS system used for multi-parameter detection .

  2. 具备半导体物理学,半导体设备测试和性能的相关知识。

    Sound knowledge in semiconductor physics , semiconductor device testing and characterization .

  3. 本文从流体动力学的观点出发讨论了半导体物理学中间常常遇到的两个问题.其一为p-n结问题,发现过去对它的处理方法和得到的结论都是错误的。

    In this article , we discuss the two problems of the semi-conductor physics with the point of view of the fluid dynamics We get the conclusion that the methods of the usual treatment of these problems are mistaken .

  4. 太赫兹技术涉及电磁学、光电子学、半导体物理学、材料科学以及微加工技术等多个学科,它在信息科学、生物学、医学、天文学、环境科学等领域有重要的应用价值。

    Terahertz ( THz ) technology deals with electromagnetics , optoelectronics , semiconductor physics , material science , and micro-technology .

  5. 主导型《基础物理》网络教材的设计开发具备半导体物理学,半导体设备测试和性能的相关知识。

    Design and Establishment of the General Physics Net Text with Teachers Leading Function ; Sound knowledge in semiconductor physics , semiconductor device testing and characterization .

  6. 讨论了半导体pn结内建电场和接触电势的形成与可测性,回答了在半导体物理学pn结内容教学中学生经常会提出的一个似是而非的问题。

    The formation and measurability of built in electrical field and contact potential in a semiconductor pn junction are discussed , and a paradox that students usually raised is answered .