
  1. 80盒元件堆芯更有利于500kW试验回路入堆后堆的运行,有利于大幅度提高高比度~(60)Co医疗源产量和元件利用率。

    The core of 80 fuel assemblies is more convenient in operation after 500 kW test loop installed , and in greatly raising the production of 60Co source with high specific radioactivity and the usage of fuel .

  2. 介绍了路基经粒料桩加固处理后堆载填筑,在填筑过程中发生滑移的工程概况。

    The thesis introduces the general situation of the roadbed reinforced by grit piles , and the roadbed glided after the soil be loaded .

  3. 净资产通常包括那些非现金资产,就像你买回后堆在车库里的材料。财富则衡量你的钱正在挣多少钱,以及你的财务生存能力。

    Although net worth often includes these non-cash-producing assets , like stuff you bought that now sits in your garage , wealth measures how much money your money is making and , therefore , your financial survivability .

  4. 物料混合:将上述物料充分搅拌,混合均匀后堆成高1米、宽1米的料堆,长度根据物料数量而定;

    Materials mixing : stir the above materials fully , then stack into material pile with the high of1m and width of1m after mixing , while length of which can be determined as per quantity of materials .

  5. 第二个副本嵌套在元素中,表示收集后的堆。

    The second copy , nested within the element , represents the heap after collection .

  6. 尾矿固结排放工艺流程主要包括泵砂、添加胶凝材料、尾矿脱水和脱水后尾矿堆排。

    The cementation of tailings mainly includes the process of pumping sand , adding cementation material , tailings'dehydrating , and piling after dehydration .

  7. 通过调查发现,深圳市园林绿化垃圾产生量大,资源化利用水平不高,现在主要是通过填埋-焚烧或者粉碎后露天堆腐等方法进行处理。

    The landscaping waste of Shenzhen is treated mainly by open decay after burying , burning or smashing , and the resource utilization is not high .

  8. 临界后,堆芯的原子核反应将进入自持式阶段,为今后机组发电和满功率运行创造条件。

    Reaching a critical state , the nuclear reaction of the reactor core will enter into the self-sustaining phase , providing conditions for further electricity generation and full power operation .

  9. 二次调质后,堆芯段筒体锻件产生了椭圆变形,为了不影响锻件已有性能,采用冷校形加去应力回火方法进行校正。

    In order to keep the property of forging pieces which they already have , calibrating in the way of cold correcting the shape with stress release and tempering could get a better result .

  10. 2011年日本福岛核电站在遭受海啸袭击后发生堆芯熔毁,促使中国在之后四年暂停批准新项目,这导致去年中国核电投资下降7%,至569亿元人民币(合92亿美元)。

    A four-year suspension of new approvals after the meltdown of a tsunami-hit reactor in Fukushima , Japan , in 2011 resulted in a 7 per cent dip in nuclear investment in China last year , to Rmb56.9bn ( $ 9.2bn ) .

  11. 尽管JVM在崩溃时生成堆转储,但您可以将其与在应用程序启动后获取的堆转储相比较,进一步了解内存是如何使用的。

    Even though the JVM generates a heap dump when it crashes , you can learn much more about how memory is being used by comparing it to a heap dump taken just after your application has started .

  12. 球铁件铁丸真空实型铸造时,造型材料采用粒径分别为φ0.3mm、φ0.5mm、φ0.8mm的空气雾化铁丸,按比例混合,混后其紧实堆装密度宜为4.78g/cm3。

    When EPC process was used to produce iron shot of nodular graphite iron , the molding materials usually adopt prorated air atomizing iron shots with three different diameters , which are ( 0.3 mm )、 0.5 mm and 0.8 mm respectively .

  13. 路堤填筑到设计高度后,通过堆载预压试验,对工后沉降预测值进行了验证,取得了良好的效果。

    Thirdly , a preloading treatment test was carried out to verify the reliability of prediction of settlement after construction .

  14. 第一次收集后,自由堆内存主要是一些曾经的活对象(现在已死)的结果。

    After the first collection , free heap memory is primarily the result of objects that were once live but are now dead .

  15. 在这个新的传动系统中,以反应堆冷却剂(水)作为工作介质,经泵加压后注入位于堆芯结构中的水力步进缸内。

    In the new drive system , the reactor coolant ( water ) used as actuating medium is pressed by pump , then injected into a step cylinder which is set in the reactor core .

  16. 本文通过对中江高速公路的测斜、沉降速率、孔隙水压等实测数据的分析,论述了软土地基处理后,路基堆载过程中排水通道对软土固结过程的重要性。

    Based on the analysis of the real-measured data such as gradient , settlement speed and pore pressure , this paper expounds the importance of drain channel for consolidation of soft soil foundation during loading of roadbed after treatment of soft soil foundation .

  17. 原料香气成分主要以萜烯醇类为主,渥堆发酵结束后,出堆香气中醇类,醛类,酮类大量减少,酚类少量增加,出堆茶则以甲氧基苯类和萜烯类为主。

    Raw materials mainly terpene alcohols aroma components , after the result of the pile fermentation , the appearance of the pile of aroma substantial reduction in alcohols , aldehydes , ketones , phenols , have slightly increased with a pile of tea with methoxy benzene and terpenes .

  18. 如果在创建和销毁对象后执行一次堆分析,您应该会看到垃圾收集器检测到了这个循环引用,并在您选择Destroy按钮时释放了内存。

    If you do a heap analysis after creating and destroying the objects , you should see that the garbage detector detected the circular reference and freed the memory when you selected the destroy button .

  19. 大雪后,到处都堆起了雪堆。

    After a heavy fall , snow heaped up every-where .

  20. 而恶魔山本身则是于1963年用二战后留下的断壁残垣堆成的。

    The hill itself was built in 1963 with the rubble left behind after World War II .

  21. 在烧结实验中,还采用蒸汽饱和法和喷水法向体系引入液相,但水化后烧结产物的堆密度比较低。

    In the sintering experiment , water was introduced into the system to get a high bulk density .

  22. 每个女主人都知道,派对结束后总有一堆活要处理。

    Aside : Every hostess knows there 's work to be done after the guests leave a party .

  23. 结果表明:采后油茶果在堆沤过程中,油脂含量下降;

    The results showed that the rate of oil content in the fruits decreased in the course of stacking .

  24. 描述了软土地区某桩基码头岸坡在加固前及两种方案加固后试验段的堆载试验情况,分析了桩基码头出现侧向位移的主要原因;

    The conditions of loading test in the test section for bank of piled wharf of soft soil area before and after consolidation were described in the paper .

  25. 随着大量帐篷出现在婚礼厅、学校以及龙卷风避难所,志愿者在取得死者家属和社区的同意后帮助将尸体堆入公共墓穴。

    As relief camps sprang up in marriage halls , schools , and cyclone shelters , volunteers helped pile bodies into mass graves after the consent of families and community .

  26. 采用同一配煤比和不同的装煤堆密度煤样进行炼焦试验,得出焦炭的耐磨强度、抗碎强度、显气孔率、焦炭的反应性、反应后强度与装煤堆密度的关系。

    The coking test was made on coal sample with the same blending ratio and different bulk densities , the relationships between coke abrasion strength , crushing strength , apparent porosity , coke reactivity index , coke strength after reaction and charging bulk density were obtained .

  27. 大约一小时后,挖掘机在王伟父母所住的六层公寓楼倒塌后形成的瓦砾堆里工作。

    An hour or so later , the excavator was at work on the rubble that was the six story building where Wang Wei 's parents lived .