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  1. “喝起来像‘占有’,”格里尔在品了第一口后赞道。我几乎能确信他说的是那部知名小说《占有》(Possession),而不是指一个攫住一个无辜之人的恶魔。

    Tastes like ' Possession , ' ' raved Mr. Greer after the first sip , and I 'm almost positive he meant the celebrated novel and not a demon clutching an innocent soul .

  2. 4年后,赞明从警察局出来了。

    4 years later , Zen light come out the police office .

  3. 赞岐岩的形成与菲律宾海板块年轻的热的岩石圈俯冲和四国盆地的张开有关,产于岛弧的弧前或弧后盆地环境。赞岐岩不只代表火山岩,也包括侵入岩。

    The Setouchi sanukite is located in fore - or back-arc basins , and originated in subduction of the young and hot Philippine Sea plate and pull-apart of the Shikoku basin .