
hé yì xìng
  • Workability;peaceability
和易性[hé yì xìng]
  1. ISO新标准水泥配制低强度混凝土的和易性特点

    The Poor Workability of Low - strength Concrete Compounded by ISO New-standard Cement

  2. EPS颗粒混凝土组成对其和易性与强度的影响

    Influence of Composition on the Workability and Strength of EPS Concrete

  3. 随着EPS颗粒粒径的增大,砂浆的分层度增大,保水性、和易性及抗折强度降低。

    With increasing of modified EPS powders size , the segregation phenomenon of mortar became seriously , water retention , workability and bending strength decreased .

  4. 随着代用ISO标准砂中圆球状曲面体含量的增多,胶砂用水量减小,流动度增大,和易性变好,但强度却呈下降趋势。

    With the increase in the content of round and curved sand in the substituted ISO standard sand , the water demand decreases and thus the flowability and workability im-proves , while the strength tends to drop down .

  5. 不同取代率再生粗骨料混凝土的和易性

    Workability of concrete prepared with different recycled coarse aggregates replacement rate

  6. 进行了砂浆强度、和易性、粘结力的研究;

    Author analyzes the intensity , workability and bonding property .

  7. 灰砂比为1:2.5是较为理想的,砂浆的和易性较好,韧性较好;

    When cement-to-sand ratio is 1:2.5 , toughness of mortar is perfect .

  8. 机场道面碾压混凝土拌合物和易性要求

    Demands for Mixture Workability of Airport Pavement Rolling Compacted Concrete

  9. 橡胶粉纤维沥青混合料高温性能及施工和易性

    High Temperature Stability and Workability of Crumb Rubber-modified and Fibers-reinforced Asphalt Mixture

  10. 矿渣粉对混凝土和易性及强度影响的研究

    Analysis of influence of flag on the workability and strength of concrete

  11. 从流变学理论分析混凝土和易性的测定方法

    Approach to Measure Concrete Remoulding Effort by Fluid Rheology

  12. 高吸水树脂改性建筑砂浆和易性和粘结性能的研究

    Study of Workable and Adhesion Properties of Building Mortar Modified by Superabsorbent Resins

  13. 粉煤灰级配碎石的施工和易性及其评价指标

    Working performance and evaluation index of fly-ash graded aggregates

  14. 由于混凝土和易性较差,易产生离析泌水。

    As a result of poor workability of concrete , easy bleeding isolation .

  15. 使混凝土的和易性、泵性均得到明显的改善,可提高早期强度。

    It can improve the workability , pumping properties and early strength of the concrete .

  16. 砂率对砼和易性及强度影响的试验研究

    The study of the influence of sand percentage on the workability and strength of concrete

  17. 浅谈影响新拌混凝土和易性的因素及改善措施

    Elementary Discussion on Influence Factors of Mixed Newly Concrete ′ s Workability and Improvement Measures

  18. 采用粉煤灰等量取代水泥,不但能降低新拌混合料坍落度经时损失,还能改善新拌混合料的和易性;

    Fly ash replacing equally cement can reduce the slump loos and increase the mixture workability .

  19. 利用流变学理论对混凝土和易性的行规测定方法进行了分析。

    A normal approach is analyzed to measure concrete remoulding effort according to the theory of fluid rheology .

  20. 粉煤灰、普通矿粉、超细矿粉、硅灰等矿物掺合料能明显改善混凝土的坍落度、和易性;

    The water consumption of high-quality recycled fine aggregate concrete is higher than that of natural aggregate concrete ;

  21. 在要求的坍落度范围内,复合微粉配制的混凝土具有良好的和易性,均能达到设计强度的要求。

    Furthermore , the concrete exhibited good workability within the required slump range to meet the design strength requirement .

  22. 良好的和易性、均匀性既方便施工又加快了混凝土浇筑进度。

    Its good workability and homogeneity not only are convenient to the construction but also quicken the pouring progress of concrete .

  23. 实际应用表明,它改善了稀浆混合料的和易性,提高了稀浆封层的抗滑性、抗渗性。

    The application shows rubber powder can improve workability of slurry mixtures , and antiskid property and anti-permeability of slurry seal courses .

  24. 炉渣的掺入改善了砂浆的和易性,提高了砂浆的强度和软化系数,增大了砂浆的导热系数。

    The slag can improve the workability of the morta , and also enhance strength and softness coefficient , increase thermal conductivity .

  25. 该保温砂浆保温性能优良,施工和易性好,成本较低,可用于建筑外墙保温。

    It can be used for building exterior wall thermal insulation owing to its excellent thermal insulation , good construction workability and low cost .

  26. 从砂浆的配合比、和易性、原材料等对砌筑砂浆达不到设计要求的事故原因进行了分析。

    Accident cause that bonding mortar cannot reach the design requirement is analyzed on the basis of mix ratio , placeability and raw materials , etc.

  27. 通过在普通水泥砂浆中掺入聚合物,可以配制出施工和易性好、粘结强度高、抗裂性优良的聚合物改性砂浆。

    By adding polymer into the ordinary cement mortar , the polymer-modified mortar has good amiable quality , excellent binding performance , superior crack resistance .

  28. 实验对比表明:与强度等级为32.5的纯水泥钢渣混凝土对比,掺入钢渣粉的砼强度略有降低,但能改善混凝土的和易性。

    By test analysis compared with strength degree 32.5 of cement , strength of steel slag concrete is slightly decreased , but its fluidity is improved .

  29. 性能:凝结硬化快,早期强度高,耐磨、抗冻性强,和易性好,强度增进率稳定。

    Performance : Concretion hardens quickly , early strength high , wear-resisting , anti-frozen strong , the flowability good , the rate of strength development stable .

  30. Ⅲ级粉煤灰取代部分水泥,在不掺外加剂的情况下,配制的破和易性差、强度低。

    Incase that part of the cement is replaced by grade ⅲ flyash , the concrete produced will have bad work-ability and low strength without using additives .