
  • 网络The Sorcerer and the White Snake;It's Love;The Lair of the White Worm;QMV;Its Love
  1. 试论白蛇传说演变过程中的女性观念嬗变

    On the Female Consciousness 's Transmutation in the Evolution of Legend of White Snake

  2. 今人推陈出新,赋以其自由恋爱、婚姻自主的反封建主题,则是现代观念的演绎,与古代民间白蛇传说大异其趣。

    It is a transformation based on modern ideas to endow to it anti-feudalist themes of freedom in love and marriage , which is quite different from the ancient folklore .

  3. 从白蛇传传说的历史渊源和发展演变来看,白蛇传传说与我国古代民族蛇文化的崇拜密切相关。

    From the historical origin and development process , the Legend of White Snake is closely related to the adorn for snakes in ancient China , and shows the cultural origin of snake totem .

  4. 比如,浙江金山的法海寺和白蛇洞就与“白蛇传的传说”有关。南京的“莫愁”湖就是根据世代相传的传说得名的。

    For instance , the Fahai Temple and the White Dragon Cave in Jinshan Mountain in Zhenjiang relates to the fairy tale " The Legend of the White snake . " The Mochou Lake in Nanjing is associated with a legend which has been handed down from ancient times .