
  1. 现场调查了板鸭的制作加工工艺,通过现场抽检,结合国家卫生标准(GB2732-88)和前人的研究,本实验制定了白市驿板鸭的微生物安全指标、理化参数和感官指标。

    The results showed as follows : ( 1 ) Based on the National Hygienic Standard ( GB2732-88 ) and other 's study , combined with investigation on the process of Bai Shi-yi Style dry salted duck , established hygienic and quality index of product .

  2. 农产品地理标志保护的优选路径&以白市驿板鸭为例

    Optimization Approach of Protection of Geographical Indication of Agricultural Product