
  • 网络Woollen Fabrics
  1. 精粗纺呢绒CAD系统的研制及产品开发

    CAD System and Product Range Development of Woollen and Worsted Fabrics

  2. 舒纶纤维粗纺呢绒产品的开发

    The Products Development of Woollen Cloth with Modified Viscose Staple

  3. 洗净粗纺呢绒沥青点的新工艺

    New Technology for Washing Natural Asphalt from Woollen Cloth

  4. 低比例羊毛粗纺呢绒整理工艺路线探讨

    An Investigation of Finishing Process of Woollen Fabric with Low Proportion of Wool

  5. 花式线的加工及在粗纺呢绒上的应用

    Fancy Yarn Processing and Its Application with Woolen

  6. 粗纺呢绒织物起球的纹理分析

    Texture Analysis of Woolen Cloth Pilling

  7. 文章介绍了洗净粗纺呢绒沥青点的机理,以及用8204溶剂型净洗剂在NO61轻型缩呢机上将混纺法兰绒和海军呢上的沥青点去除的试验情况。

    The article introduces the theoretical aspects of washing natural asphalt from woollen cloth and the process of using cleaning agent 8204 in light shrinkage machine to remove the natural asphalt spots on flannel and navy cloth .