
cū fàng
  • extensive;coarse and unconst-rained
粗放 [cū fàng]
  • (1) [extensive]∶指粗耕粗种,不追求单位面积产量,而依靠扩大耕地面积来提高产品总量的农业经营方式

  • 粗放耕作

  • (2) [coarse and unconst-rained]∶粗略豪放

  • 笔调粗放

粗放[cū fàng]
  1. 后WTO时期流通企业应加快增长式转变:由粗放经营向集约化经营转变,由外延性为主向内涵式增长方式转变。

    After WTO period enterprise in circulation should accelerate growth way change , change from extensive operation to the intensive management , from other ductility in order to mainly transform into intension type .

  2. 地方政府片面追求GDP增长和粗放的发展模式,经济增长付出了结构恶化、经济波动、资源浪费、效益低下、环境破坏的沉重代价;

    Local governments ' unilateral pursue of GDP increase and extensive developmental mode , heavy cost paid by economic growth for worsen structure , economic fluctuation , resource waste , low benefit and destructive environment ;

  3. 他作风粗放,令人看不出他是古董鉴赏家

    His bluff exterior belied a connoisseur of antiques .

  4. 随着3G网络的发展和普及,电信设备制造行业的竞争急速加剧,传统粗放型的质量管理方法已不能满足企业的需求。

    With the development and popularity of the 3rd Generation network , the competition in the manufacturing of telecommunication equipment increased rapidly .

  5. 利用ERP有利于加快我国企业改造粗放型的管理的进程,尽快具备与国外竞争对手抗衡的能力。

    Hence , by utilizing ERP our enterprises can accelerate the process of improving our " coarse management ", and possess the ability against powerful foreign competitors as quickly as possible .

  6. 他曾在福特效力33年,最终担任福特总裁兼首席执行官,以粗放的风格和对成本削减的无情态度而著称,由此获得雅克利刃(JactheKnife)的绰号。

    He spent 33 years at Ford , where he became president and chief executive officer , and was renowned both for his abrasive style and ruthless attitude to cost-cutting , earning him the sobriquet of Jac the Knife .

  7. 画眉草(Eragrostisspectabilis(Linn.)Beauv.)一种一年生丛生观赏草,花期长,抗逆性强,管理粗放,被广泛应用于园林、固土护坡、室内绿化等。

    Ornamental grass ( Eragrostis spectabilis ( Linn . ) Beauv . ), a kind of annual bunch grass , long flowering period , strong resistance , extensive management , is widely used in gardens , slope stabilization , indoor greening .

  8. 她有一种粗放勇敢的气质。

    There was a foundation of wildness and bravery in her .

  9. 这种粗放式发展造成对各种资源都造成了极大浪费。

    City this of various resource vulgar development cause created huge waste .

  10. 果园潮湿、管理粗放则病害发生严重。

    The disease occurred seriously with moist fruit garden and extensive management .

  11. 内勤人力资源配置方法粗放;外勤人员素质不高;

    The office work human resources disposition method is extensive ;

  12. 粗放型增长方式延缓了经济增长;

    The extensive growth way has delayed the economic growth ;

  13. 另外,对于团队客人的预定管理较为粗放。

    In addition , the management team is scheduled guests more extensive .

  14. 集约度与粗放度在判定土地发展模式中的应用

    Application of Intensive and Extensive in Distinguishing the Development Model of Land-use

  15. 大面积的耕种小麦;粗放型农业。

    Producing wheat under extensive conditions ; agriculture of the extensive type .

  16. 基于粗放流程的汽车铰链生产物流系统设计与实现

    Auto-hinges Production Logistics System Design and Realization Base on Extensive-flow

  17. 在一个粗放的场合下,模拟猪将会发生什么情况。

    What would happen to the model pig under more spartan conditions .

  18. 风险评价粗放,差异不大等。

    Risk assessment is extensive and makes little difference .

  19. 关于企业从粗放型经营向集约型经营的转变

    On Managerial Change From Extensive Pattern to Intensive Pattern

  20. 但自此也形成了追求高速度和外延、粗放型的增长方式。

    But a speed-oriented and extensive growth pattern also began to take shape .

  21. 由粗放型开发转向依靠成本节约扩大盈利空间;

    Change from wasteful development to expand profit making space by lowering cost .

  22. 通信行业如何实现从粗放到集约的转变

    How to Shift from Extensive Operation to Intensive Operation in the Communications Industry

  23. 耕作粗放、管理落后;

    The technique and management of farming are bad .

  24. 在稀植、管理粗放的桑园中,一般虫口密度较高。

    The density was fairly high especially in the mulberry fields without control .

  25. 五是要从粗放型经营转变到精干高效集约型经营。

    Change the unshaped management to efficiency integrated management .

  26. 一直以来,国内的证券公司靠政策保护和行业垄断,在粗放式经营方式下,保持着高盈利水平。

    Domestic securities companies always get high profit depending on policy protection and monopolization .

  27. 与速度和粗放式经营问题相比,效率问题是一个更为深层次的问题。

    Compare with velocity issue , Efficiency is a problem of deeply administrative levels .

  28. 导致失误的主要原因,是这些公司的投资管理粗放。

    The main reason of misplay is that these companies ' rough investing management .

  29. 保险企业改革尚未到位,经营管理还比较粗放;

    The reform of insurance corporation has not accomplished and most company extensive operation ;

  30. 传统粗放的草原畜牧业生产经营方式已经难以为继。

    Traditional extensive grassland husbandry production and management mode can no longer be continued .