
  • 网络diesel fuel additive;Dee-Zol
  1. 等离子体法由二甲醚合成柴油添加剂新型复合柴油添加剂的研究

    Synthesis of Diesel Fuel Additive from Dimethyl ether via Plasma Study of a New Composite Diesel Fuel Additive

  2. 新型复合柴油添加剂的研究

    Study of a New Composite Diesel Fuel Additive

  3. 本文对X柴油添加剂的可行性进行分析,在分析结果表明产品可以投放市场的前提下做出关于X柴油添加剂的营销策划方案。

    This paper carries on the analysis to the feasibility of X diesel oil additive , and makes a marketing scheme about X diesel oil additive under the premise that the analysis result indicated that the product may put in the market .

  4. 柴油添加剂的研究&有机钡盐的消烟助燃作用

    Smoke suppressing effect of organic barium salt , a diesel oil additive

  5. 柴油添加剂的使用经济性分析

    Economical Analysis on the Application of Diesel Oil Additives

  6. 柴油添加剂在柴油机微粒净化中的应用

    Application of Diesel Additives in Regeneration of Particulate Filter

  7. 柴油添加剂的机理对比实验

    Mechanism of Diesel Additive : A Comparative Approach

  8. 利用放热规律计算研究柴油添加剂对燃烧过程的影响

    Investigation of the Effects of Diesel Fuel Additives on Combustion Processes by Calculating Heat Release Rates

  9. 稀土混合型柴油添加剂的研制

    Development of Rare Earths Mixture Procetane

  10. 采用介质阻挡气体放电技术由二甲醚成功合成了一种柴油添加剂。

    The DPF regeneration technology of diesel engine based on electric heating and diesel additive is introduced .

  11. 将表面活性剂、油性溶剂和水等混合制得了一种新型多功能柴油添加剂。

    A new multifunctional diesel additive was developed by mixing surfactants , oily solvent and water , etc.

  12. 采用性能优良的柴油添加剂,可实现明显的节能和较好的环保效果;

    Obvious energy_saving and better conservation on effect can also be achieved by using diesel oil additive .

  13. 研究了作为柴油添加剂,其加入量时混合燃料性能的影响。

    The effects of the dosage of Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether soyate on the performance of mix fuel were investigated .

  14. 使用样条函数可以准确拟合计算柴油添加剂降低碳烟排放效果的实验数据。

    The spline function can be used in calculating accurately the experimental data of diesel fuel additives for lowering the smoke emission from diesel engines .

  15. 本文介绍一种以有机钡盐为主的复合型柴油添加剂,其主要成分是过氧化钡与环烷酸在焦化汽油中反应所生成的环烷酸钡。

    The smoke suppressing effect of organic barium salt , a product of the reaction between barium bioxide and naphthenic acid in coking gasoline , as a diesel oil additive was studied .

  16. 胶质实验和柴油添加剂除碳能力实验的结果显示,柴油添加剂在一定程度上具有减少胶质生成和去除积碳的功效。

    The result on colloid and diesel additive to wipe off carbon indicates that diesel additive , to a certain extent , has the function of reducing the formation of colloid and wiping off carbon .

  17. 并且由示功图及放热率曲线分析比较所得结论与柴油添加剂的节油、降烟效果及其有关助燃机理假说是基本一致的。

    And the conclusions from the curves of indicator diagrams and the heat release rate curves accord basically with the results of fuel saving and soot density reducing and the hypotheses about the comburant mechanisms of diesel fuel additives .

  18. 新的柴油添加剂,使柴油机功率平均提高3.4%,油耗率平均降低4.3%,自由加速烟度降低27.2%。

    With this diesel fuel additive , the power output of diesel engines increased by an average of 3.4 % , the SFC dropped by 4.3 % and the smoke index in the free acceleration operation condition dropped by 27.2 % .

  19. 柴油添加剂的使用可降低柴油中硫化物和碳氢化合物等有害物质含量,并提升燃油燃烧效率,节省燃油成本,提高了柴油的经济效益。

    Diesel fuel additive using in diesel fuel burning can reduce a great deal of sulfured , NOx , hydrocarbon and others deleterious substance . In addition , it can upgrade diesel fuel 's combustion efficiency , economize its coat and increase its economic benefit .

  20. 发展了CC和CD级柴油机油添加剂配方,进行了发动机台架评定。

    CC and CD grade diesel engine oil packages were developed and bench scale engine tests are performed .

  21. 柴油机油添加剂间相互作用及活塞清净性研究

    Interactions of diesel engine oil additives and piston detergency

  22. 柴油醇添加剂的筛选及应用

    Selection and application of additive for E-diesel fuel

  23. 柴油消烟添加剂配方的影响因素较多,各因素既相互关联,又相互制约。

    The influence factors of diesel sootless additive formulation are varied , which are correlated and constrained mutually .

  24. 介绍了实验室分析柴油机油添加剂含量的2种方法,即硫酸盐灰分测定法和光谱法,并用图表分析说明实验数据与添加剂含量的关联性。

    Two laboratory test methods to determine the additive content in diesel engine oil , namely sulfate ash determination and spectroanalysis , are presented . Chart analysis is used to illustrate the correlation between experimental data and additive contents .

  25. 对醇、醚、胺、酰胺、羧酸和酯等低硫柴油润滑添加剂进行了综述,认为多元醇酯具有良好的润滑性,是低硫柴油理想的润滑添加剂。

    It is summarized the lubricating additives of low sulfur diesel fuel such as alcohol , ether , amine , amide , carboxylic acid and ester . Because of its good lubricity , the polyol ester is ideal lubricating additive for low sulfur diesel fuel .

  26. 利用镜反射红外光谱法研究了CC级柴油机油中添加剂对成漆板板面漆膜组成的影响;

    The effect of additive in CC grade diesel engine oil on the formation of lacquer on the surface of lacquer plate was studied by mirror reflectance infrared spectroscopy ;

  27. 柴油催化燃烧添加剂制备研究

    Study on the preparation of additives for catalytic combustion of diesel fuel

  28. 柴油润滑性添加剂研究

    The Research of Lubricating Additive of Diesel Fuel

  29. 柴油机燃油添加剂的应用

    An application of diesel fuel oil additives

  30. 清洁柴油对柴油添加剂的要求

    Requirements of Clean Diesel to Additives