
jiāo zhuó
  • Scorching;deeply worried;burnt;very anxious
焦灼 [jiāo zhuó]
  • (1) [deeply worried]∶非常着急;焦躁忧虑

  • 焦灼不安

  • (2) [burnt]∶烧焦

焦灼[jiāo zhuó]
  1. 这一时期她的小说创作中总是出现革命理想与残酷的现实之间不可调和的矛盾,作者本人也陷入到一种自我焦灼和困惑的处境。

    This period her novels always appear irreconcilable conflict between the revolution ideal and the cruel reality . She also was caught in a self deeply worried and confused situation .

  2. 接受了启蒙思想的小城作家,在城市中回望小城时,用批判的眼光审视传统、落后的小城及小城人的生存状态,同时也对现代商业文明下小城表达了焦灼情感。

    Accept the enlightenment thoughts town writer , in the city , with a critical look at the small eyes examine tradition , the town and the town people behind the survival condition , but also for modern commercial civilization city expressed deeply worried feelings under .

  3. 房子里的那名男子情绪非常激动且焦灼不安。

    The man in the house was in a very excited and agitated state .

  4. 这种经历不同的文化处境所带来的文化休克(cultureshock),使人的心理处于焦虑、焦灼、失落、躁动的状态。

    This experience brought about by different cultural situation of the " culture shock ", is in the psychological anxiety , anxious , lost , restless state .

  5. 它们的眼珠滚动着,它们的金毛腿像干柴一般焦灼。

    Their eyeballs roll , their blond legs burn like brush .

  6. 北京的交通让我的心感受如此的焦灼;

    Beijing 's traffic to my heart feels so congest ;

  7. 在华盛顿进行了深入而又令人焦灼不安的商谈。

    Profound and anxious consultations had taken place at Washington .

  8. 艺术表现生命本能,又本能地表现本能中的焦灼和忧虑。

    Art reflects life instinct and its worries and anxieties .

  9. “我没有让你厌烦吧?”她焦灼不安地说道。

    ' I 'm not boring you ? 'she said , anxiously .

  10. 这些举措似乎平息了最初的焦灼。

    These efforts appear to have calmed initial jitters .

  11. 陈月娥焦灼地望着玛金。

    Chen yueh-ngo was staring anxiously at Ma chin .

  12. 他金色的眼睛在睫毛下焦灼着,催眠而致命。

    His golden eyes scorched from under his lashes , hypnotic and deadly .

  13. 陈月娥的神情很焦灼,又很兴奋;

    Chen yueh-ngo looked agitated and also very excited .

  14. 那么,是什么使诗人最终超越了焦灼感而实现了这种诗意的人格境界的呢?

    Then what made the poet overcome the worry and gain the personality ambit ?

  15. 他焦灼地咬着他的指甲。

    He was gnawing his finger-nails with impatience .

  16. 她不再焦灼不安地计算她守寡守了有多少周多少月了。

    She no longer anxiously reckoned the weeks and the months of her widowhood .

  17. 生命的焦灼:生命无意识的教育研究之种种

    Anxiety of Life : Educational Researches With Life-Unconsciousness

  18. 珍妮回家焦灼等待,不晓得他去了哪里。

    Jeanne is fretfully waiting at home for him , not knowing his whereabouts .

  19. 他被很多债务弄得焦灼不安。

    He was embarrassed by many debts .

  20. 我焦灼地等待着。

    To wait I scarce have power .

  21. 正在睡梦里的焦灼。

    And is anxious in its sleep .

  22. 游客可以向下爬到银矿底部,这将是一场永生难忘的焦灼经历。

    Tourists can descend the silver mines , and it is a searing and unforgettable experience .

  23. 我看到壁炉搁板上面达特小姐的画像,正焦灼急切地看着我。

    I found a likeness of Miss Dartle looking eagerly at me from above the chimney-piece .

  24. 那是为爱焦灼、奔跑的人儿倒下的躯体,瘦骨嶙峋。

    It was anxious for love , those who run a few fallen body , super-skinny .

  25. 曾经我也让你焦灼和无奈,曾经你也让我等待和期盼。

    I have let you anxious and helpless , have you let me wait and hope .

  26. 这些变化将从你们目前所看到的焦灼和混乱的世界中诞生。

    These changes will evolve out of the anxiety and chaos that you now see around you .

  27. 热心的人们看见她万分焦灼的样子,便纷纷加入了援助追纸的队伍。

    The warm-hearted people there , seeing how anxious she obviously was , joined in her chase .

  28. 过些日子他们回家后看到他们的小城只剩下一片焦灼之地。

    Days later , they come back and find their town is only a field of charcoal .

  29. 这件作品就中国性提出了疑问,也体现了国族认同在个人层面上的焦灼谈判。

    The work raises questions about Chineseness and the complicated negotiation of national identity on a personal level .

  30. 到1月中旬,俄国人非常焦灼不安,于是在柏林提出了这一问题。

    By the middle of January the Russians were deeply perturbed , and raised the issue in Berlin .