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  1. “那焦大又恃贾珍不在家,即在家亦不好怎样他,更可以任意洒落洒落”眼泪又涌了出来,洒落在弗兰克的手上。

    Because Jia Zhen was out though he could have done nothing even if at home Jiao Da was fairly letting himself go . The tears welled up again , splashing on Frank 's hand .

  2. 而硬X射线显微术因为焦深大、穿透能力强,因此可以克服软X射线显微术难以成像较厚细胞的缺陷,具有重要的应用价值。

    Because of its larger depth of focus and higher penetration power , hard X-ray microscopy can overcome the limitation of soft x-ray microscopy which has difficulty in imaging thick cells .

  3. 济钢焦化厂推焦准大循环运行实践

    Running Practice of Pushing Quasi-major-cycle at Jigang Coking Plant

  4. 邢钢焦炉推焦电流偏大原因的分析

    Analysis about reason of coke pushing current being over large

  5. 透镜的菲涅耳数越小,焦移越大;

    It is shown that the smaller the Fresnel number , the larger the focal shift ;

  6. 当菲涅耳数一定时,环形透镜的中心拦截比越大,焦移越大;

    For a fixed Fresnel number , the larger the central obstruction ratio is , the larger the focal shift is .

  7. 该方法不需要掩模、昂贵的光刻成像透镜、新的短波长光源和新型的抗蚀剂,提供了得到高分辨、无限焦深、大面积光刻的可能性。

    The method does not need mask , expensive photolithographic imaging lens , new light source with short wavelength and novel resist , and it provides a probability for achieving high-resolution and infinite focal depth photolithography in large area .

  8. 回转窑煅烧石油焦具有产能大,投资少,对原料的适应性较广,产品质量容易控制,易于实现生产过程的自动化控制等优点。

    Using rotary kiln for petroleum coke calcinations has its virtues , for example a large production capacity , less investment and wider adaptability to raw materials , product quality can be control easily and process production is realize the advantages of automatic control .

  9. 多焦视网膜电图在大鼠视网膜光损伤模型评价中的应用

    Application of multifocal electroretinogram on evaluating light-induced retinal injury in rat models

  10. 随着铌离子欠缺量的增加,预烧粉体中的焦绿石相含量大幅度增加;

    With the increase of Nb5 + deficiency , pyrochlore phase content of the calcined powders increased greatly , while it hardly affected the phase content of the sintered ceramics .

  11. 利用四路红外非制冷焦平面探测器、大视场光学系统、窄带滤光片和信号处理系统,构成了凝视成像激光探测与告警系统。

    A staring imaging laser detecting and warning system is formed by using 4-channel uncooled infrared focal plane detectors , large field optical system , narrow band filters and signal processing system .

  12. 介绍了一种应用激光双焦干涉原理测量大口径超光滑表面粗糙度的检测系统。

    The described optical system , which is used to measure the roughness of ultra smooth surface , forms a common-path interference , so a nondestructive detection can be carried out by it without standard reference plane .

  13. 原生QI含量高的沥青可导致硬的各向同性的粘结剂沥青焦,该沥青焦热膨胀大,电阻高,导热性差。

    A pitch with high content of primary QI leads to a hard , isotropic binder pitch coke with high thermal expension , high electrical resistance and low thermal conductivity .

  14. 结果表明:当数值孔径相同时,h-SIL的焦深较s-SIL的焦深大,焦深对SIL的折射率比较敏感,而光斑大小对波长照明比较敏感。

    The results show that the focal depth of the h-SIL is greater than that of the s-SIL . The focal depth of the system is sensitive to the refractive index of the SIL and the spot size is sensitive to the illuminating wavelength .

  15. 制备的聚合物分散液晶膜中形成的液晶微滴较大,微滴内形成了三维焦锥态小碎畴,二维焦锥态大畴和平面态大畴等三种零场稳定结构。

    The liquid crystal droplets in polymer dispersed liquid crystal films we prepared are larger , forming three textures as follows : three-dimensional small focal conic state domain , two-dimensional focal conic state of a large domain and a large flat state stability of zero field domain structure .