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  1. 毕竟,自己最亲的“四儿”,如今只能和年迈的母亲相依为命了。

    After all , oneself most own " four sons ", now only could be bound by a common destiny with the old mother .

  2. 以宁夏四儿滩湿地及其周围植被为研究对象,利用法国生态学专家M。

    Taking the vegetation of Siertan wetland as the study object , the stability of the vegetation was determined using the method proposed by French ecologist M.

  3. 主角四儿是个聪明、爱冲动的14岁少年,在他就读的中学里,制服与严厉的管控自然而然与大环境中的军事统治形成对照。

    The protagonist Si'r , a bright , impulsive 14-year-old , is enrolled in a secondary school where the uniforms and regimentation provide an unforced parallel to military rule .

  4. 四儿原本只是处在一个本地帮派的边缘,却被卷入种种权力斗争,包括与帮派遇害头领的女友小明的感情纠葛。

    Originally on the fringes of a local gang , Si'r is drawn into its power struggles , including an emotional vortex around the murdered gang leader 's girlfriend , Ming .

  5. 电影开始不久的一场戏里,四儿和朋友们从一个守夜人那里偷来一个大号手电筒,这个手电筒后来多次出现,照亮纷乱的帮派斗争(或者说什么也没有照亮)。

    An outsize flashlight stolen by Si'r and his friends from a night watchman in one of the movie 's first scenes reappears throughout to illuminate ( or not ) the tangled conflicts .

  6. 宣传自己的旅行项目吸引游客,苏格兰靠的是两只四条腿儿的生物:矮种马Fivla和Vitamin。

    When it comes to promoting itself as a tourist destination , Scotland is relying on two four-legged creatures named Fivla and Vitamin to draw visitors in .

  7. MTT试验结果发现,四种儿茶素和锌离子均能不同程度地抑制前列腺癌细胞生长,细胞存活率呈时间和剂量依赖性,儿茶素作用效果次序依次为EGCGECGEGCEC。

    MTT results showed that four catechins found in tea extracts were screened for growth inhibition of PC-3 cells at different degree in dose - and time-dependent manner and they were classified in the order EGCGECGEGCEC ;

  8. 分子印迹固相萃取和电喷雾质谱法联用测定茶叶中四种儿茶素

    Determination of Four Tea Catechins Content with Molecular Imprinting-SPE Extraction and Electrospray Mass Spectrometry

  9. 因为你的猪有四条腿儿,有人也许会说你固步自封,但实际上这正反映了你强大的信念以及你捍卫它的顽强。

    Because your pig has four legs , some may say you are stuck in your ways but actually this reflects your strong beliefs and your stubbornness in defending them .

  10. 马有四只蹄儿。

    A horse has four hoofs .

  11. 本文用MTT法研究了茶叶中四种主要儿茶素EGCG,ECG,EGC和EC对前列腺癌细胞PC-3生长的影响;

    In the present paper , effects of four mainly tea catechins EGCG , ECG , EGC and EC in tea on the growth of androgen-insensitive ( PC-3 ) human prostate tumor cells were investigated by MTT assay ;

  12. 他们是四岁孪生儿的父母。

    They are the parents of four-year-old twins .

  13. 在《去吧,摩西》中,对于无法忍受的社会地位,四代混血儿试图颠覆美国南方的庄园体制,但都以失败告终,他们无法穿越南方等级森严的种种界线。

    Unbearable with their social status , the four generations of mulattoes in Go Down , Moses strive to subvert the system and are in full quest for freedom and equality . However , they cannot move across the Southern boundaries , resulting in failures .