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  1. “话说周瑞家的送了刘姥姥去后,便上来回王夫人话.”

    " After seeing off Granny Liu , Mrs. Zhou went to report to Lady Wang . "

  2. “周瑞家的与平儿忙起身,命刘姥姥”“只管等着,是时候我们来请你.”

    " Pinger and Mrs. Zhou stood up at once , telling Granny Liu to wait till she was sent for . "

  3. 周瑞家的是王夫人的陪房和心腹奴仆,也是贾府最有实权的女管家之一。

    Zhou Zui 's wife , who is Madame 's Wang 's faithful maidservant that follows the bride to her husband'house , is one of those household managers who have real power .

  4. “问丫鬟们时,方知往薛姨妈那边闲话去了.周瑞家的听说,便转出东角门至东院,往梨香院来.”

    " On being told by her maids that their mistress had gone to chat with Aunt Xue , she made her way through the east side gate and the east courtyard to Pear Fragrance Court . "

  5. “周瑞家的不敢惊动,遂进里间来。只见薛宝钗穿着家常衣服,头上只散挽着髻儿,坐在炕里边,伏在小炕桌上同丫鬟莺儿正描花样子呢。”

    " Not wanting to disturb them she went into the inner room where Baochai in a house dress , her hair pinned into a loose knot , was copying an embroidery pattern with her maid Yinger at the low table on the kang . "