
  • 网络Baldwin;James Baldwin;Baudouin
  1. 之后到美国读大学,在堪萨斯州鲍德温的贝克大学(BakerUniversity)学习时遇到了程正昌。

    I came to the United States for college and met Andrew at Baker University in Baldwin , Kans .

  2. 《大融合:信息技术与新型全球化》(TheGreatConvergence:InformationTechnologyandtheNewGlobalization),理查德•鲍德温著,哈佛大学出版社(HarvardUniversityPress),建议零售价22.95英镑/29.95美元,344页

    The Great Convergence : Information Technology and the New Globalization , by Richard Baldwin , Harvard University Press , RRP £ 22.95 / $ 29.95 , 344 pages

  3. 米尔斯和鲍德温一家人好像有些不和。

    There is , it seems , some bad blood between Mills and the Baldwins .

  4. 那些获得成功的经济体能以很快的速度增长,进而导致了穷国和富国之间的“大融合”(GreatConvergence),这也正是鲍德温这本书的书名。

    Those economies that succeed can grow very quickly , producing a " Great Convergence " of poor and rich that provides the book 's title .

  5. 第一资本金融公司(CapitalOne)的代言人是演艺明星亚历克斯•鲍德温,露华浓(Revlon)的“品牌大使”则是哈莉•贝瑞。

    Celebrity endorsements are commonplace , from capital one pitchman Alec Baldwin to Revlon " brand ambassador " Halle Berry .

  6. 但包括鲍德温在内,以色列堂-女执事医疗中心(BethIsraelDeaconessMedicalCenter)的大约700名患者正在参与一场新奇的实验。

    But Mr. Baldwin is among about 700 patients at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center who are participating in a novel experiment .

  7. 临床社工斯蒂芬·奥尼尔(StephenO'Neill)写道,鲍德温对他的疾病感到尴尬,这让他处于孤立的状态。

    The clinical social worker , Stephen O'Neill , wrote that Mr. Baldwin 's self-consciousness about his disorder kept him isolated .

  8. 大公司在19和20世纪初,包括鲍德温机车厂,威廉痉挛和Sons的船舶和发动机公司建立,以及宾夕法尼亚州铁路。

    Majorcorporations in the19th and early20th centuries included the BaldwinLocomotive Works , William Cramp and Sons Ship and Engine BuildingCompany , and the Pennsylvania Railroad .

  9. 鲍德温举了越南的例子,该国加入了本田(Honda)的供应网络,开始运用引进自本田母公司的生产技术制造摩托车零部件。

    Baldwin cites Vietnam , which joined Honda 's supply network by starting to manufacture motorcycle parts using production and technical expertise imported from the parent company .

  10. 2010年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的主持人为史蒂夫•马丁和与他合演《爱很复杂》的影星亚历克•鲍德温。史蒂夫•马丁还曾独自主持奥斯卡盛典。2009年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的主持人为“X战警”和百老汇男星杰克曼。

    Steve Martin , a past solo host of the Oscars , and his " It 's Complicated " co-star Alec Baldwin teamed up as hosts last time , while " X-Men " and Broadway star Jackman was host the year before .

  11. 据TMZ报道,比伯和鲍德温当时是在一家度假村的餐厅里,有两名目击者表示他们看到比伯单膝跪地了。

    Bieber and Baldwin were at a resort 's restaurant when two eyewitnesses said they saw Bieber get down on one knee , according to TMZ .

  12. 据TMZ网站报道,有人目睹了贾斯汀?比伯和海莉?鲍德温走进纽约一家法院,而这一家恰好是签发结婚证的地方。

    Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin have been spotted entering a New York courthouse - and it 's known to issue marriage licences , according to TMZ .

  13. 鲍德温是第五个亮相的,而根据比伯的Ins,他当时在家吃外卖,他只参加过2015年的一届MetGala,而且是作为巴尔曼的创意总监OlivierRousteing的客人出席。

    This marks Baldwin 's fifth consecutive Met appearance . Bieber , who according to his Instagram story was home eating takeout , only attended once in 2015 as a guest of Balmain 's Creative Director Olivier Rousteing .

  14. 波士顿——大卫·鲍德温(DavidBaldwin)和他救助的猫咪佐伊(Zoey)共同居住的合作公寓附近有家医院,不久前的一天,他在那里参加了一次团体治疗,但并不确定自己当时给人留下了怎样的印象。

    BOSTON - David Baldwin wasn 't sure how he had come across the other day in group therapy at the hospital , near the co-op apartment where he lives with his rescue cat , Zoey .

  15. 下NAMM表明,我们看到鲍德温大了看上去像悍马和画中的最荒唐的颜色你见过。

    The next NAMM show , we saw Baldwin Grands made up to look like Hummers and painted in the most ridiculous colors you have ever seen .

  16. 鲍德温的老朋友们都知道他和心理疾病作战的惨痛经历:住院治疗;躁狂发作;抑郁;以及极具破坏力的焦虑&两年前,他甚至在好市多(Costco)的停车场里无法下车。

    Mr. Baldwin 's longtime friends know about his harrowing battles with mental illness : The hospitalizations . The manic episodes . The depression . The anxiety so crippling that two years ago , at a Costco parking lot , he couldn 't get out of the car .

  17. 他竟敢因他们的失败而责怪鲍德温。

    He had the audacity to blame Baldwin for their failure .

  18. 罗瑟米尔把鲍德温作为一位伟人推荐给他的读者。

    Rothermere commended Baldwin to his readers as a great man .

  19. 鲍德温一直在与会让人陷入极度焦虑和沮丧之中的躁郁症做斗争。

    He struggles with bipolar disorder , severe anxiety and depression .

  20. 论鲍德温小说《另一个国家》中跨种族性关系的困惑

    On the Confusion in Interracial Sexuality in Baldwin 's Novel Another Country

  21. 鲍德温的答复暂时保密,以后再公开发表。

    Baldwin 's reply was reserved for a public occasion .

  22. 但鲍德温的分析指出,这只是全球化的一种表现形式。

    But Baldwin 's analysis notes this was only one form of globalisation .

  23. 布鲁克是鲍德温最危险、最始终不渝的敌手。

    Baldwin 's most dangerous and consistent adversary .

  24. 鲍德温也在推特上确认了订婚的消息。

    Baldwin also confirmed the engagement on Twitter .

  25. 据报道,赛琳娜?戈麦斯对贾斯汀?比伯与海莉?鲍德温订婚的消息感到很不开心。

    Selena Gomez is reportedly unhappy about Justin Bieber 's engagement to Hailey Baldwin .

  26. 哦对了,还有亚历克。鲍德温和金。贝辛格。

    Oh-oh , Alec Baldwin and Kim basinger .

  27. 鲍德温是一位多才多艺的作家。

    Baldwin was a very versatile writer .

  28. 但是贾斯汀比伯和海莉鲍德温将会举办一个小规模的婚礼。

    But Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin 's upcoming wedding will be a tiny affair .

  29. 过去几个月他一直和18岁的模特海莉•鲍德温在一起。

    He has been spending time with 18-year-old model Hailey Baldwin for the past several months .

  30. 鲍德温本人也是如此。

    And so is Mr. Baldwin .