
  • 网络Island;island area;insular area
  1. 这种跳水最初由纽约斯塔腾岛区的交易员和编程怪才乔希•莱文建立,他们形成的联盟看起来有些另类。

    The plumbing was first built by an unlikely alliance between Staten Island traders and a programming nerd named Josh Levine .

  2. 机电单电子晶体管(EMSET)实现了单电子隧穿和岛区振动间的动态耦合,它既是一种最基本的NEMS器件,又是研究复杂NEMS器件的物理机制的重要单元之一。

    Electromechanical single electron transistor ( EMSET ) achieves dynamic coupling between single electron tunneling and the island vibration . It not only belongs to one of most essential devices of NEMS , but also reveals the important physical mechanism in complex devices .

  3. 基于GIS开发技术的崇明岛区生态承载力其空间分异研究

    Study of Island Ecological Carrying Capacity Assessment and Its Spatial Distinction in Chongming Islands District by Using GIS Development

  4. 最后分析了岛区能级分裂的机电量子点器件的特性。

    Third , the electromechanical quantum dot device with energy spectrum is studied .

  5. 南海涠洲岛区现代沉积环境和沉积作用演化

    Evolution of modern sedimentary environments and sedimentations in the Weizhou Island area , south China Sea

  6. 资源供给能力在崇明岛区大部分地区处于临界状态,个别地区超载。

    In resources supply , most parts of Chongming Islands Region are fully carried and some parts over carried .

  7. 其拥有良好的自然环境和丰富的水土资源,这些都使崇明岛区未来具有巨大的发展潜力。

    The good nature environment and plenty of water and land resource show that Chongming has great potential in the future development .

  8. 从区域断裂带的活动性和区域稳定性看,信阳市燃气混气站场区处于相对稳定的“岛区”。

    Based on regional tectonical activity and regional stability , the site of gas works of Xinyang City is located at the safe island region .

  9. 衍射的卫星峰可以被分解为两个洛仑兹峰,它们分别源于材料的浸润层区和纳米岛区。

    We fit the satellite peaks in the rocking curve by two Lorentz lineshapes , which originate from the wetting layer region and the island region .

  10. 在岛区受到的静电力的表达式中,除了包括漏源电极的作用外,还考虑了双栅电极和系统初始电容值的影响。

    The expression of the electrostatic force which drives the island considers the function of the gate electrodes and the initial capacitances besides the effect of the drain-source electrode .

  11. 当前一轮如火如荼的争论与罗蒙诺索夫海岭(lomonosovridge)相关,它是一座蛇形的海底山脉,呈弧形环绕在地球的顶端,一头指向俄罗斯,另一头指向加拿大以及丹麦的格陵兰岛自治区。

    One high-profile existing dispute relates to the rights to the Lomonosov ridge , a snaking undersea mountain chain that arcs over the top of the world , pointing towards Russia at one end and Canada and the Danish autonomous territory of Greenland at the other .

  12. 太阳岛风景区木本植物群落结构分析

    Structures of Woody Plant Communities in Sun Island Resort , Harbin

  13. 哈尔滨市太阳岛风景区旅游淡季应对措施

    Response measures to travel off-season of Sun Island scenic spot in Harbin

  14. 葫芦岛都市区形成机制研究

    Study on the Forming Mechanism of Huludao Metropolitan Area

  15. 太阳岛风景区自然植物群落特征与演替趋势

    Community Characteristics and Succession Tendency of Natural Plants in Sun Island Resort of Harbin

  16. 海南岛植物区系与热带植被性质的背景分析

    A background analysis of the flora and the characteristics of tropical vegetation in Hainan Island

  17. 生态安全评价及公众参与在太阳岛风景区规划中应用研究

    The Study of Sun Island Scenic Area Planning Based on Evaluation of Ecological Safety and Public Participation

  18. 海南岛被子植物区系

    The Angiospermous Flora of Hainan

  19. 通过对太阳岛风景区的现状和存在问题的综合分析。

    Through the comprehensive analysis of the present situation , existed problem in scenic spot in Taiyang island .

  20. 该项目作为太阳岛风景区的重要组成部分,论文对该项目与整个景区的互适性进行了分析。

    The project is as an important component of Taiyangdao scenic and is conducted an analysis entire scenic coordination .

  21. 珠江口淇澳岛红树林区海水中营养盐和叶绿素a研究初探

    Preliminary study on the chlorophyll-a and nutrients in seawater of the mangrove area of Qi'ao Island in Zhujiang River estuary

  22. 海洋里的生态平衡需要维持,啮鱼曾经遭到过度捕捞,没有天敌的海星一度几乎将高特岛保护区的岩石表面侵蚀待尽。

    Restoring balance between predator and prey , once overfished snapper eat sea urchins that had nearly denuded the reefs at Goat Island reserve .

  23. 结合现实和问卷调查对生态岛居住区进行模式修正,提出几种与现实相吻合的变形模式。

    Ecological island residential area model was modified according to the questionnaire and actuality , putting up with several variant models suitable to the actuality .

  24. 附近还有石佛山生态园,城山古城旅游区,银石滩国家森林公园,蛤蜊岛旅游区。

    There are also the Shifoshan Ecological Garden , Chengshan Old City Scenic Zone , Yinshitan National Forest Park , and Clam Island Scenic Zone near here .

  25. 重联电场和扩散区及磁岛外部区观测到的低混杂波可能同时加速电子,形成了观测上的高能电子分布。

    The flat-top distribution is formed . Both the reconnection electric field and lower hybrid waves are observed in the diffusion region and the outer region of the island .

  26. 三山岛金矿区位于胶东半岛西北部,区内构造、岩浆活动强烈,以发育脆性断裂为特征。

    Sanshandao gold mine is located in the northwest of Shandong peninsula , structure and magmatic activity of this area are strong , and it is characterized by development of brittle fracture .

  27. 香港岛商业区钢与玻璃结构的天际轮廓闪闪发光,九龙岛上起伏的山坡上一波又一波的现代公寓建筑像太空时代里的巨龙的牙齿般突起。

    The glass and steel skyline of Hong Kong Island 's business district gleamed , and wave upon wave of modern apartment buildings jutted from Kowloon 's rolling hills like space-age dragon 's dentures .

  28. 额岛盖区的形态可分为6型,其表面积是左侧大于右侧,但无显著性差异。

    The shapes of the frontal operculum were divided into 6 types . This area tended to be larger on the left than on the right side though the difference was not statistically significant .

  29. 同时发现磁岛外部区.沿磁力线方向存在很强的电子束流,从而形成了由磁场数据计算得到的逆着磁力线的电流。

    At the same time , a powerful electron beam along the magnetic field is found in the outer region of the island , which would form an electron current antiparallel to the magnetic field lines in the region .

  30. 其中岛群区依据潮汐通道的发育程度又划分为3个亚区:1舟山群岛北区、2舟山群岛南区、3南部岛群区。

    The islands region can be subdivided into three sub regions again according to the development degree of tidal channels : ⅲ 1 northern region of the Zhoushan Islands ,ⅲ 2 southern region of the Zhoushan Islands , and ⅲ 3 region south of Zhoushan Islands .