
  1. 大鼠搜索安全岛时间缩短;

    Latencies of searching safety island prolonged .

  2. 这就是能量开始倒转和螺旋往后与亚特蓝提斯岛时间融合的时候。

    This was a time when the energies would start to reverse and spiral backwards merging with the time of Atlantis .

  3. 那为什么你们离开茂伊岛的时间不同

    Then why are you departing Maui on different dates ?

  4. 这也是艾萨克预计到达由多米尼加共和国和海地组成的伊斯帕尼奥拉岛的时间。

    That 's also when Issac is expected to hit Hispaniola , the island made up of the Dominican Republic and Haiti .

  5. 她在巴厘岛的时间只剩下一个礼拜,之后得飞往非洲,或者回泰国去照管她的生意。

    She 's in Bali for only another week before she has to fly off to Africa , or maybe it 's back to Thailand , to take care of her business .

  6. 他禁锢她在克里特岛,随着时间的推移,他们生下三个孩子。

    He imprisons her on the Isle of Crete , over time fathering three children .

  7. 热带地区悠闲的节奏让我们习惯于岛上的时间,过得更加放松。

    In the tropics , we settle into the grooves of island time and relax thanks to a more leisurely rhythm .

  8. 我非常享受我在长滩岛上的时间,我有很多时间学习英语,所以我觉得我的英语比过去好多了。

    I really enjoyed my time on Boracay , I studied English many times so I think my English is better than before .

  9. 热带地区悠闲的节奏让我们习惯于“岛上的时间”,过得更加放松。

    In the tropics , we settle into the grooves of " island time " and relax thanks to a more leisurely rhythm .

  10. 形成磁岛的特征时间很大于流动撕裂模不稳定性引起磁岛非线性饱和的特征时间。

    The characteristic time for the formation of magnetic islands is much longer than that of nonlinear saturation of magnetic islands caused by the streaming tearing instability .

  11. 上图是在挪威北部城市特罗姆瑟外海克瓦尔岛上当地时间的子夜时分拍摄的,明亮的极光从雨云夹缝中突围而出。

    Captured here near local midnight from Kval ? ya island outside Troms ? in northern Norway , the intense auroral glow was framed by parting rain clouds .

  12. 凯特、萨伊德、查理和其他的幸存者在平行时空开始闪回岛上的时间,这让他们想起他们之间都是有联系的。

    Kate , Sayid , Charlie and the other Oceanic survivors in the show 's alternate " sideways intrinsically " reality began experiencing flashbacks of their time on the island , leading them to remember they are somehow intrinsically linked to one another .

  13. 在这个破岛上剩下的时间,我俩一直待一起。

    The rest of the time left on this crapOisland , we 're sticking together .

  14. 恩,在岛上这么长时间,你还没对我讲过你的事。

    Well , all this time on the island , you 've told me nothing about yourself .

  15. 但这一限令遭到了批评,因为它只是在八国首脑会议之前和期间在冲绳岛实行两周时间。

    But the restrictions have prompted criticism as they will only apply for a few days before and during the summit of the Group of Eight ( G8 ) countries , which is being held on the island in a fortnight 's time .

  16. 结果术后7d、3m有中央岛眼的术后视力明显低于无中央岛眼的术后视力(P<001)并且中央岛不随时间而减轻或消失(P>005)。

    Results There is significant difference between visual acuity of normal eyes and that of central islands eyes in postoperative 7 days and 3 months ( P < 0.01 ), and central islands do not reduce or fade away following time ( P > 0.05 ) .