
  1. 研究海岛,开发海岛,发展岛屿经济

    Research and Development of China 's Islands

  2. 他们将就21世纪海上丝绸之路地区与岛屿经济可持续发展问题进行讨论。

    They will hold discussions on sustainable development of rural areas and island economies on the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road .

  3. 中国资源驱动型岛屿旅游经济发展分析

    Analysis of Traveling Economy Development of Chinese Resources Actuation Islands

  4. 英国将再次变成一个岛屿型经济体,而且这次将隔绝于大西洋两岸。

    Britain would once again become an island economy , but one walled off from a transatlantic sea .

  5. 发展中国家、最不发达国家以及一些岛屿国家的经济发展近年来遇到比较严重的问题。

    Developing countries , the least developed countries and some island countries have encountered serious problems in their economic development .

  6. 我正和我的家人在楠塔基特度假,17年前,我们曾来过这个美丽的岛屿。这里的经济反映了整个国家其余地方的情况。

    I am vacationing now with my family on Nantucket , the17th year we 've been coming out to this beautiful island .

  7. 在以崇明为核心的三岛开发过程中,探索通过岛屿旅游联动开发的方式使崇明三岛在充分保护环境的前提下,实现旅游业态的升级和岛屿经济增长方式的转变,具有较强的示范意义。

    In the process of three islands ' development , exploring the upgrading of islands tourism and the pattern of economic growth through the way of inlands tourism interaction development in the context of the full protection of the environment , which has strong model significance .