
chǐ mí
  • extravagant and wasteful;excessively extravagant
侈靡 [chǐ mí]
  • [wasteful;extravagant] 铺张奢侈

  • 近岁风俗尤为侈靡。--司马光《训俭示康》

  1. 中国古代存在“节用”与“侈靡”两种有关消费的思想:儒家、道家、墨家崇尚勤俭节约;

    There are two opposite ideas on consumption : " thrift ", which is consisted by Confucianists ? Daoists and Moists ;

  2. 汉初经济复苏和由此产生的社会侈靡风气,对汉大赋的出现起了催生的作用。

    The recovery of economy in early period of Han and the luxury general mood of society help a lot in the advent of Han Da Fu .

  3. 这种政治和经济上的特权,不仅使门阀士族积累起大量的物质财富,而且也激起他们对侈靡生活的贪婪欲望,从而使得奢侈性消费在这一时期表现得非常突出。

    This kind of privilege not only made the aristocrats amass a great deal of material wealth , but also stimulated their avaricious desire for luxurious living . Accordingly , their extravagant consumption appeared very extraordinary at that time .