
zī tài
  • attitude;posture;gesture;pose;appearance;shape;front;bearing;carriage;one's bearing or carriage
姿态 [zī tài]
  • (1) [posture;carriage;gesture]∶容貌神态

  • 姿态出众

  • (2) [appearance;shape]∶物体呈现的样子

  • 高高矮矮的树木,姿态不一

  • (3) [attitude;pose]∶风格;气度

  • 高姿态

姿态[zī tài]
  1. 总统的讲话被视为对商界的安抚性姿态,受到了欢迎。

    The President 's speech was hailed as a conciliatory gesture toward business .

  2. 这一友好姿态基本上没有改善会谈的紧张气氛。

    This gesture of goodwill did little to improve the tense atmosphere at the talks

  3. 他们受到了一如往常的欢迎,夸张的笑容和姿态如同一场闹剧。

    They were made welcome with the usual pantomime of exaggerated smiles and gestures

  4. 瞧瞧我们,装出一副胜利者的姿态。

    Here we are , pretending we 're winning .

  5. 中国又一次以世界强国的姿态崛起。

    China has once again emerged as a world power

  6. 他以胜利者的姿态进入墨西哥城。

    He made his triumphal entry into Mexico City .

  7. 他以一个卑微的哀求者绝对谦恭的姿态猛地趴在地上。

    He flung himself down in the flat submissive posture of a mere supplicant .

  8. 美国总统冒险作出美国正在摆明立场的姿态。

    The US president risked giving the appearance that the US was taking sides .

  9. 要是西方在50年代能更积极地响应他的和平姿态就好了。

    If only the West had been more responsive to his peace overtures in the fifties .

  10. 该公告被认为是向正确方向迈进的一步,因而受到欢迎,但也被普遍看作是一种象征性的姿态。

    The announcement was welcomed as a step in the right direction , but was widely seen as a token gesture

  11. 澳大利亚力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。

    Australia was trying to keep a low profile on this issue .

  12. 女士们和绅士们卖弄他们的美妙姿态、才智和魅力。

    Ladies and gentlemen paraded their fine manners , wit , and charm .

  13. 她的拒绝只是故作姿态。

    Her refusal was merely a deliberate gesture .

  14. 由于并不愿意假意奉承,所以帕特总是不愿意表现出勉强顺从的姿态。

    Far from being unctuous Pat was always loath to appear acquiescent .

  15. 我拒不跟他们摆出那副可悲的装模作样的姿态。

    I refused to go along with their pathetic charade .

  16. 猿能模仿人的姿态举止。

    An ape can imitate man 's gestures and manners .

  17. 那个犯人的仁慈只是一种姿态。

    That prisoner 's benevolence is a mere pose .

  18. 这匹马的跳跃姿态优美。

    The horse had a fine jumping action .

  19. 卖艺人把身体作出各种扭歪的姿态。

    The acrobat went through various contortions .

  20. 她姿态优美。

    She is gracious in manner .

  21. 这也和那些假乡绅一样,多少成了一种姿态。

    As with the bogus country gentlemen , it was becoming a little of an act .

  22. 大家以为有了出路,愁眉锁眼的姿态为之一扫。

    There is a general feeling that a way out of the impasse has been found , and people no longer knit their brows in despair .

  23. 一种开放科学的姿态也会让合作变得更加复杂。

    An open-science stance can also add complexity to a collaboration .

  24. Walletthreat(钱包威胁)指被别人请吃饭时,不情不愿地掏钱包做出付账姿态的行为。

    Wallet threat is the reluctant act of pulling one 's wallet out as a sign of willingness to pay for a meal that was assumed to be a treat .

  25. 走路的姿态可反应出人的性格。

    Manner of walking gives an index to one 's charactor .

  26. 部族不得不改变它的沙文主义姿态。

    The tribe has been forced to modify its chauvinistic attitudes .

  27. 现代意识很有这种摧毁本身姿态的需要。

    Modern consciousness has this great need to explode its own postures .

  28. 和年轻女子说话时,他喜欢摆出一副高高在上的姿态。

    He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women .

  29. 那个国家的首领这一次伪装出一副施恩者的姿态

    The chieftain of that country is disguised as a benefactor this time .

  30. 她们本能地恢复了端庄的姿态。

    They instinctively gathered themselves into more tidy postures .